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Endofunctor is:

  • Independent
  • Fast
  • Scalable
  • Predictable
  • Functional


Faster than Hono / Endofunctor vs. Hono

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Get Endofunctor and a server

//Endofunctor is just a router, so a server that gives a Request and expects a Response is needed

import { serve } from "";

// import fun

import fun from "";

Give a path and a function

// the function has to return a valid BodyInt or Promise<BodyInit>
await serve(
      path: "/",
      f: (_) => "hello world",
  { port: 8080 },

Add parameters, a query, a status, or a header!

// the router auto-detect if you are using (parameters,  querries, or Request ) unless you send the arguments out of the scope
// r: (arguments) => outOfScope(arguments),
// you can add or remove them with "add", "delete"

await serve(
 { hasName: "" },
      path: "/test/:id",
      status: 201,
      header:  ".html", // { 'Content-Type' : 'text/html'}
      f:  _ => "<p> hello </p>" 
      r: (f) => + " " + (f.query?.hello || ""),
  { port: 8080, hostname: "" },


Parameters must be chained, without gaps.

// valid (It is important to note that the following routes are different)

// invalid

Do you need more control?

// use the type: "request" to return a Response or Promise<Response>
// you can use params and query here too!

await serve(
 { hasName: "" },
        type: "request",
        path: "/abc",
        f: (f) => new Response(f.query?.hello || "abc"),
  { port: 8080, hostname: "" },

Do you need Functor just to route your function? I’ve got you covered!

// use the type: "response" to return a Response or Promise<Response>
await serve(
{ hasName: "" },
        type: "response",
        path: "/",
        r: (_) => new Response("hello world"),
      },  ]),
  { port: 8080, hostname: "" },

Static file is natively built in Endofunctor!

// "path" is relative to the terminal
// remove mime types with mime:false
// add mime with extra: [ [header, extension]]
await serve(
 { hasName: "" },
        type: "static",
        name: "/s",
        path: "./",
,  ]),
  { port: 8080, hostname: "" },

Thanks and have fun ~


Route options

 type funRouterOptions = {
  hasName?: string;
  paramsStartsWith?: string;
  notFound?: { (x: Request): Response };
  badMethod?: { (x: Request): Response };
  • “hasName”: is the name of the server, and it always has to finish with “/” , example: “”, the router will be 5% faster if a name is given.

  • “paramsStartsWith”: by default, a parameter is defined by “:” next to a “/”, changing this value, will take the first character and check if it’s follow by “/” to start a new parameter.

  • “notFound”: changes the default NOT_FOUND.

  • “badMethod”: changes the default BAD_METHOD.


There are four methods

type ParamsMethod = "GET" | "HEAD" | "POST" | "DELETE";


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