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🌐 Vixeny: At the forefront of modern web development, Vixeny stands as a runtime-independent, efficiency-driven library dedicated to upholding the principles of functional purity. It's crafted to empower developers with a robust foundation for creating scalable, maintainable, and high-performance web applications.
variable globalOptions
import { globalOptions } from "";

Provides a function to configure global options for Vixeny's plugins. This allows setting options based on the provided plugin configuration map.


Example 1

import { plugins } from 'vixeny';

// Define a plugin method with nested function returns.
const pluginMethod = plugins.type({
  name: Symbol.for("example"),
  type: undefined,
  f: () => () => () => " inCycle",

// Set global options using the defined plugin method.
const options = plugins.globalOptions({
  cyclePlugin: {
    example: pluginMethod,


<FC extends CyclePluginMap, O extends FunRouterOptions<FC>>(options?: O) => unknown