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Get paths for storing things like data, config, cache, etc with Deno.
import { join as pathJoin, basename as pathBasename,} from "";
const homedir: string | null = Deno.dir("home");const tmpdir: string | null = Deno.dir("tmp");
interface IOptions { suffix: string;}
const macos = (name: string) => { if (!homedir) { throw new Error("Can't extract the home directory."); }
if (!tmpdir) { throw new Error("Can't extract the tmp directory."); }
const library = pathJoin(homedir, "Library");
return { data: pathJoin(library, "Application Support", name), config: pathJoin(library, "Preferences", name), cache: pathJoin(library, "Caches", name), log: pathJoin(library, "Logs", name), temp: pathJoin(tmpdir, name), };};
const windows = (name: string) => { if (!homedir) { throw new Error("Can't extract the home directory."); }
if (!tmpdir) { throw new Error("Can't extract the tmp directory."); }
const appData = Deno.env.get("APPDATA") || pathJoin(homedir, "AppData", "Roaming"); const localAppData = Deno.env.get("LOCALAPPDATA") || pathJoin(homedir, "AppData", "Local");
return { data: pathJoin(localAppData, name, "Data"), config: pathJoin(appData, name, "Config"), cache: pathJoin(localAppData, name, "Cache"), log: pathJoin(localAppData, name, "Log"), temp: pathJoin(tmpdir, name), };};
const linux = (name: string) => { if (!homedir) { throw new Error("Can't extract the home directory."); }
if (!tmpdir) { throw new Error("Can't extract the tmp directory."); }
const username = pathBasename(homedir);
return { data: pathJoin( Deno.env.get("XDG_DATA_HOME") || pathJoin(homedir, ".local", "share"), name, ), config: pathJoin( Deno.env.get("XDG_CONFIG_HOME") || pathJoin(homedir, ".config"), name, ), cache: pathJoin( Deno.env.get("XDG_CACHE_HOME") || pathJoin(homedir, ".cache"), name, ), log: pathJoin( Deno.env.get("XDG_STATE_HOME") || pathJoin(homedir, ".local", "state"), name, ), temp: pathJoin(tmpdir, username, name), };};
export default (name: string, options: IOptions = { suffix: "deno" }) => { if (typeof name !== "string") { throw new TypeError(`Expected string, got ${typeof name}`); }
// Add suffix to prevent possible conflict with native apps if (options.suffix) { name += `-${options.suffix}`; }
if ( === "darwin") { return macos(name); }
if ( === "windows") { return windows(name); }
return linux(name);};