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enzastdlib is a set of TypeScript modules that follow a common design API philosophy aiming at sane defaults and ease-of-use targeting the Deno TypeScript runtime.
namespace JSONSchema
import { JSONSchema } from "";
type alias JSONSchema
import { type JSONSchema } from "";

JSON Schema Draft 2019-09

Type Parameters

Value = any
SchemaType = Value extends boolean ? "boolean" : Value extends null ? "null" : Value extends number ? "number" | "integer" : Value extends string ? "string" : Value extends unknown[] ? "array" : Value extends Record<string | number, unknown> ? "object" : JSONSchema.TypeValue
definition: boolean | { $anchor?: string; $comment?: string; $defs?: Record<string, JSONSchema>; $id?: string; $recursiveAnchor?: boolean; $recursiveRef?: string; $ref?: string; $schema?: string; $vocabulary?: Record<string, string>; additionalItems?: JSONSchema; additionalProperties?: JSONSchema; allOf?: MaybeReadonlyArray<JSONSchema<Value, SchemaType>>; anyOf?: MaybeReadonlyArray<JSONSchema<Value, SchemaType>>; const?: Value; contains?: JSONSchema<Value, SchemaType>; contentEncoding?:
| "7bit"
| "8bit"
| "base64"
| "binary"
| "ietf-token"
| "quoted-printable"
| "x-token"
; contentMediaType?: string; contentSchema?: JSONSchema<Value, SchemaType>; default?: Value; definitions?: Record<string, JSONSchema>; dependencies?: Record<string, MaybeReadonlyArray<string> | JSONSchema>; dependentRequired?: Record<string, MaybeReadonlyArray<string>>; dependentSchemas?: Record<string, JSONSchema>; deprecated?: boolean; description?: string; else?: JSONSchema<Value, SchemaType>; enum?: MaybeReadonlyArray<Value>; examples?: MaybeReadonlyArray<Value>; exclusiveMaximum?: number; exclusiveMinimum?: number; format?: string; if?: JSONSchema<Value, SchemaType>; items?: MaybeReadonlyArray<JSONSchema> | JSONSchema; maxContains?: number; maximum?: number; maxItems?: number; maxLength?: number; maxProperties?: number; minContains?: number; minimum?: number; minItems?: number; minLength?: number; minProperties?: number; multipleOf?: number; not?: JSONSchema<Value, SchemaType>; oneOf?: MaybeReadonlyArray<JSONSchema<Value, SchemaType>>; pattern?: string; patternProperties?: Record<string, JSONSchema>; properties?: Record<string, JSONSchema>; propertyNames?: JSONSchema; readOnly?: boolean; required?: MaybeReadonlyArray<string>; then?: JSONSchema<Value, SchemaType>; title?: string; type?: SchemaType; unevaluatedItems?: JSONSchema; unevaluatedProperties?: JSONSchema; uniqueItems?: boolean; writeOnly?: boolean; }