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import { esbuild, ImportMap, resolve, resolveImportMap, resolveModuleSpecifier, toFileUrl,} from "./deps.ts";import { load as nativeLoad } from "./native_loader.ts";import { load as portableLoad } from "./portable_loader.ts";import { ModuleEntry } from "./deno.ts";
export interface DenoPluginOptions { /** * Specify the path to an import map file to use when resolving import * specifiers. */ importMapFile?: string; /** * Specify which loader to use. By default this will use the `native` loader, * unless `` is not available. * * - `native`: Shells out to the Deno execuatble under the hood to load * files. Requires --allow-read and --allow-run. * - `portable`: Do module downloading and caching with only Web APIs. * Requires --allow-net. */ loader?: "native" | "portable"; importCDN?: Record<string, string>;}
/** The default loader to use. */export const DEFAULT_LOADER: "native" | "portable" = typeof === "function" ? "native" : "portable";
export function denoPlugin(options: DenoPluginOptions = {}): esbuild.Plugin { const loader = options.loader ?? DEFAULT_LOADER; return { name: "deno", setup(build) { const infoCache = new Map<string, ModuleEntry>(); let importMap: ImportMap | null = null;
build.onStart(async function onStart() { if (options.importMapFile !== undefined) { const url = toFileUrl(resolve(options.importMapFile)); const txt = await Deno.readTextFile(url); importMap = resolveImportMap(JSON.parse(txt), url); } else { importMap = null; } });
build.onResolve({ filter: /.*/ }, function onResolve( args: esbuild.OnResolveArgs, ): esbuild.OnResolveResult | null | undefined { if (options.importCDN?.[args.path]) { return { path: options.importCDN?.[args.path], namespace: "globalExternal", }; } const resolveDir = args.resolveDir ? `${toFileUrl(args.resolveDir).href}/` : ""; const referrer = args.importer || resolveDir; let resolved: URL; if (importMap !== null) { const res = resolveModuleSpecifier( args.path, importMap, new URL(referrer) || undefined, ); resolved = new URL(res); } else { try { resolved = new URL(args.path, referrer); } catch (_error) { resolved = new URL(args.path, resolveDir); } } return { path: resolved.href, namespace: "deno" }; });
build.onLoad({ filter: /.*/ }, function onLoad( args: esbuild.OnLoadArgs, ): Promise<esbuild.OnLoadResult | null> { if (args.namespace == "globalExternal") { return Promise.resolve({ contents: `module.exports = globalThis.${args.path}`, loader: "js", }); } const url = new URL(args.path); switch (loader) { case "native": return nativeLoad(infoCache, url, options); case "portable": return portableLoad(url, options); } }); }, };}