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Simple and easy to use solution for building your modules to native ES syntax.

You can found this project on registry.


  1. Install Deno πŸ¦•
  2. Check if your .deno folder is in PATH
  3. Install it!

Install from Deno (Simpliest way)

Run the following command:

deno install \
 --allow-read \
 --allow-write \
 --allow-env \
 --allow-run \
 --name esbuilder \

Install by VSCode task runner (No terminal way)

  • Clone this repository
  • Open repo in VS Code
  • Open Command Pallete (Ctrl + Shift + P / ⌘ + Shift + P)
    • Select β†’ Tasks: Run Task
    • Run β†’ Install ESBuilder

Install in Terminal from Repository

  • Clone this repository
  • Run the following command:
deno install \
 --allow-read \
 --allow-write \
 --allow-env \
 --allow-run \
 --allow-net \
 --no-prompt \
 --name esbuilder \



deno uninstall esbuilder


esbuilder --config=./config.json


esbuilder --help


deno run --allow-all ./builder.ts --config=./config.json
deno run --allow-all ./builder.bundled.js --config=./config.json



    "version": "1.0",
    "sourceDir": "./src",
    "outDir": "./dist",
    "files": [
    "build": {
        "bundle": true,
        "minify": true,
        "sourcemap": true
    "options": {
        "watch": true,
        "gitignore": true,


Version β€” Required

Version of config schema/syntax. Defaults to current version of Builder.

    "version": "1.0"

The notation "1.0" and "1.0.0" are equivalent.

Source directory β€” Optional

Path to source directory. Defaults to ./.

    "sourceDir": "./src"

Output directory β€” Optional

Path to output directory. Defaults to ./build.

    "outDir": "./dist"

Files / Entry points β€” Optional

Paths to entry files relative to sourceDir.

    "files": [
    "files": {
        "MyGroupA": "./file1.ts",
        "MyGroupB": [

Build Settings β€” Optional

Bundle β€” Optional

Whether to bundle entry file (with dependecies) into a single file. Defaults to false.

    "build": {
        "bundle": true

Minify β€” Optional

Whether to minify the output. Defaults to false.

    "build": {
        "minify": true

Source Maps β€” Optional

Whether to create source map files. Defaults to false.

    "build": {
        "sourcemap": true

Options β€” Optional

Verbose β€” Optional

Whether to print verbose output. Defaults to true.

    "options": {
        "verbose": false

Watch β€” Optional

If true, watch for changes in source files and rebuild. Defaults to false.

You can forced by passing --watch flag.

    "options": {
        "watch": true

tsconfig β€” Optional

Path to tsconfig.json. Defaults to null.

    "options": {
        "tsconfig": "./tsconfig.json"

Generate .gitignore β€” Optional

Whether to create .gitignore with built outputs. Defaults to false.

    "options": {
        "gitignore": true

Generate Output summary β€” Optional

Whether to create json file with description of all built outputs. Defaults to false.

    "options": {
        "outputSummary": true

Example I of output summary:

    "version": "1.0",
    "files": [

Example II of output summary:

    "version": "1.0",
    "files": {
        "MyGroupA": [
        "MyGroupB": [

Output Summary Filename β€” Optional

Name of the output summary file. Defaults to output-summary.json.

    "options": {
        "outputSummaryFilename": "output-summary.json"