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✦ A fast, smart, & global CDN for modern(es2015+) web development.
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export type ImportMap = { readonly imports: Record<string, string>; readonly scopes: Record<string, Record<string, string>>;};
export type Package = { readonly name: string; readonly version: string; readonly subModule?: string; readonly alias?: string; readonly dependencies?: Record<string, string>; readonly peerDependencies?: Record<string, string>; readonly exports?: Record<string, unknown> | string;};
const importUrl = new URL(import.meta.url);const VERSION = /^\/v\d+$/.test(importUrl.pathname) ? importUrl.pathname.slice(1) : "v{VERSION}";
// stable build for UI libraries like react, to make sure the runtime is single copyconst stableBuild = new Set([ "preact", "react", "solid-js", "svelte", "vue",]);
let imFilename = "import_map.json";let indentWidth = 2;
async function add(args: string[], options: Record<string, string>) { if (options.alias && args.length > 1) { console.error( `%cerror%c: Cannot use --alias with multiple packages`, "color:red", "", ); Deno.exit(1); }
const importMap = await loadImportMap(); const pkgs = (await Promise.all( Boolean, ) as Package[]; if (pkgs.length === 1 && options.alias) { (pkgs[0] as Record<string, unknown>).alias = options.alias; }
await Promise.all( => addPkgToImportMap(pkg, importMap)), ); await saveImportMap(importMap); console.log( `Added ${pkgs.length} packages to %c${imFilename.split(/[\/\\]/g).pop()}`, "color:blue", ); if (pkgs.length > 0) { console.log(, index) => { const tab = index === pkgs.length - 1 ? "└─" : "├─"; const { name, version, subModule, alias } = pkg; let msg = `${tab} ${name}@${version}`; if (subModule) { msg = `${msg}/${subModule}`; } if (alias) { msg = `${msg} (alias: ${alias})`; } return msg; }).join("\n"), ); }}
async function update(args: string[], options: Record<string, string>) { const importMap = await loadImportMap(); const latest = "latest" in options; const toUpdate = args.length === 0 ? Object.keys(importMap.imports).filter((name) => importMap.imports[name].startsWith(`${importUrl.origin}/`) && !name.endsWith("/") ).map((name) => { let version: string; if (latest) { version = "latest"; } else { const url = importMap.imports[name]; const [, v] = url.match(/@(\d+\.\d+\.\d+(-[a-z0-9\-\.]+)?)/)!; if (!v.includes("-")) { version = v.split(".").slice(0, 2).join("."); } else { version = v; } } return `${name}@${version}`; }) : args.filter((name) => name in importMap.imports || name.slice(0, name.lastIndexOf("@")) in importMap.imports ).map((name) => { let version: string; if ((name.startsWith("@") ? name.slice(1) : name).includes("@")) { const a = name.split("@"); version = a.pop()!; name = a.join("@"); } else if (latest) { version = "latest"; } else { const url = importMap.imports[name] ?? importMap.imports[name.slice(0, name.lastIndexOf("@"))]; const [, v] = url.match(/@(\d+\.\d+\.\d+(-[a-z0-9\-\.]+)?)/)!; if (!v.includes("-")) { version = v.split(".").slice(0, 2).join("."); } else { version = v; } } return `${name}@${version}`; }); const pkgs = (await Promise.all( Boolean, ) as Package[]; const updates: Package[] = [];
for (const pkg of pkgs) { if (await addPkgToImportMap(pkg, importMap)) { updates.push(pkg); } }
await saveImportMap(importMap); console.log(`updates ${updates.length} packages`); if (updates.length > 0) { console.log(, index) => { const tab = index === pkgs.length - 1 ? "└─" : "├─"; return `${tab} ${}@${pkg.version}`; }).join("\n"), ); }}
async function remove(args: string[], options: Record<string, string>) { const importMap = await loadImportMap(); const toRemove = args.filter((name) => name in importMap.imports); for (const name of toRemove) { Reflect.deleteProperty(importMap.imports, name); Reflect.deleteProperty(importMap.imports, name + "/"); Reflect.deleteProperty(importMap.scopes, name); Reflect.deleteProperty(importMap.scopes, name + "/"); } await saveImportMap(importMap); console.log(`Removed ${toRemove.length} packages`); if (toRemove.length > 0) { console.log(, index) => { const tab = index === toRemove.length - 1 ? "└─" : "├─"; return `${tab} ${name}`; }).join("\n"), ); }}
async function init(args: string[], options: Record<string, string>) { const config = await getDenoConfig(); const importMap = await loadImportMap(); if (!isNEString(config.importMap)) { config.importMap = imFilename; } const tasks = config.tasks as undefined | Record<string, string>; config.tasks = { ...tasks, "esm:add": `deno run -A ${importUrl.origin}/${VERSION} add`, "esm:update": `deno run -A ${importUrl.origin}/${VERSION} update`, "esm:remove": `deno run -A ${importUrl.origin}/${VERSION} remove`, }; await Deno.writeTextFile( "deno.json", JSON.stringify(config, null, indentWidth), ); await saveImportMap(importMap); console.log("Initialized %cdeno.json%c, 3 task added:", "color:green", ""); console.log( " - %cdeno task esm:add%c [packages...]", "color:blue", "color:gray", ); console.log( " - %cdeno task esm:update%c [packages...]", "color:blue", "color:gray", ); console.log( " - %cdeno task esm:remove%c [packages...]", "color:blue", "color:gray", );}
const cache = new Map<string, Package>();async function fetchPkgInfo(query: string): Promise<Package | null> { if (cache.has(query)) { return Promise.resolve(cache.get(query)!); }
let pkgName: string; let alias: string | undefined; let subModule: string | undefined; if (query.includes(":")) { [alias, query] = query.split(":", 2); } if (!query) { throw new Error(`Invalid package name: "${query}"`); } const a = query.split("/").filter(Boolean); if (query.startsWith("@")) { if (a.length < 2) { return null; } pkgName = a[0] + "/" + a[1]; if (a.length > 2) { subModule = a.slice(2).join("/"); } } else { pkgName = a[0]; if (a.length > 1) { subModule = a.slice(1).join("/"); } }
const res = await fetch(`${importUrl.origin}/${pkgName}/package.json`); if (res.status === 404) { console.error(`%cerror%c: Package "${pkgName}" not found`, "color:red", ""); Deno.exit(1); }
if (!res.ok) { console.error(`%cerror%c: Failed to fetch "${pkgName}"`, "color:red", ""); console.error(await res.text()); Deno.exit(1); }
const pkg = await res.json(); if (! || !pkg.version) { console.error( `%cerror%c: Invalid package.json of "${pkgName}"`, "color:red", "", ); Deno.exit(1); }
pkg.alias = alias; pkg.subModule = subModule; cache.set(query, pkg); return pkg;}
async function loadImportMap(): Promise<ImportMap> { const importMap: ImportMap = { imports: {}, scopes: {} }; try { const raw = (await Deno.readTextFile(imFilename)).trim(); if (raw.startsWith("{") && raw.endsWith("}")) { const { imports, scopes } = JSON.parse(raw); if (imports) { Object.assign(importMap.imports, imports); } if (scopes) { Object.assign(importMap.scopes, scopes); } } } catch (err) { if (!(err instanceof Deno.errors.NotFound)) { throw err; } } return importMap;}
async function saveImportMap(importMap: ImportMap): Promise<void> { // clean up for (const importName in importMap.imports) { for (const [scopeName, scope] of Object.entries(importMap.scopes)) { if (importName in scope) { Reflect.deleteProperty(scope, importName); if (Object.keys(scope).length === 0) { Reflect.deleteProperty(importMap.scopes, scopeName); } } } }
// sort const sortedImports = sortImports(importMap.imports); const sortedScopes = Object.fromEntries( Object.entries(importMap.scopes).sort(sortByKey).map(( [key, scope], ) => [key, sortImports(scope)]), );
// write await Deno.writeTextFile( imFilename, JSON.stringify({ imports: sortedImports, scopes: sortedScopes }, null, indentWidth), );}
async function getDenoConfig(): Promise<Record<string, unknown>> { try { const config = await Deno.readTextFile("deno.json"); return JSON.parse(config); } catch (err) { if (err instanceof Deno.errors.NotFound) { return {}; } throw err; }}
async function addPkgToImportMap( pkg: Package, importMap: ImportMap,): Promise<boolean> { let [pkgUrl, withExports] = getPkgUrl(pkg); let aliasName = pkg.alias ??; if (pkg.subModule) { if (!pkg.alias) { aliasName += "/" + pkg.subModule; } pkgUrl += "/" + pkg.subModule; } if (importMap.imports[aliasName] === pkgUrl) { return false; } importMap.imports[aliasName] = pkgUrl; if (withExports && !pkg.subModule) { importMap.imports[aliasName + "/"] = pkgUrl + "/"; } else { Reflect.deleteProperty(importMap.imports, aliasName + "/"); } if (pkg.dependencies) { const esmshScope = `${importUrl.origin}/${VERSION}/`; if (!Reflect.has(importMap.scopes, esmshScope)) { importMap.scopes[esmshScope] = {}; } for (const [depName, depVersion] of Object.entries(pkg.dependencies)) { const dep = `${depName}@${depVersion}`; const depPkg = await fetchPkgInfo(dep); if (depPkg) { const depUrl = `${importUrl.origin}/${VERSION}/${}@${depPkg.version}`; importMap.scopes[esmshScope][depName] = depUrl; } } } return true;}
function getPkgUrl(pkg: Package): [url: string, withExports: boolean] { const { name, version, exports, dependencies, peerDependencies } = pkg; const withExports = typeof exports === "object" && Object.keys(exports).some((key) => key.startsWith("./") && key !== "./package.json" ); if ( !stableBuild.has(name) && ( (dependencies && Object.keys(dependencies).length > 0) || (peerDependencies && Object.keys(peerDependencies).length > 0) ) ) { return [`${importUrl.origin}/${VERSION}/*${name}@${version}`, withExports]; } return [`${importUrl.origin}/${VERSION}/${name}@${version}`, withExports];}
function sortImports(imports: Record<string, string>) { return Object.fromEntries( Object.entries(imports).sort(sortByValue), );}
function sortByKey(a: [string, unknown], b: [string, unknown]) { const [aName] = a; const [bName] = b; if (aName < bName) { return -1; } if (aName > bName) { return 1; } return 0;}
function sortByValue(a: [string, string], b: [string, string]) { const aValue = a[1].replace("/*", "/"); const bValue = b[1].replace("/*", "/"); if (aValue < bValue) { return -1; } if (aValue > bValue) { return 1; } return 0;}
function isNEString(a: unknown): a is string { return typeof a === "string" && a !== "";}
function parseFlags( raw: string[],): [args: string[], options: Record<string, string>] { const args: string[] = []; const options: Record<string, string> = {}; let argCur: string | null = null; for (const arg of raw) { if (arg.startsWith("--")) { if (argCur) { options[argCur] = ""; argCur = null; } if (arg.includes("=")) { const [name, value] = arg.slice(2).split("="); options[name] = value; } else { argCur = arg.slice(2); } } else if (argCur) { options[argCur] = arg; argCur = null; } else { args.push(arg); } } if (argCur) { options[argCur] = ""; argCur = null; } return [args, options];}
if (import.meta.main) { const start =; const [command, ...args] = Deno.args; const commands = { add, remove, update, init, };
if (command === undefined || !(command in commands)) { console.error(`Command "${command}" not found`); Deno.exit(1); }
try { const config = await getDenoConfig(); if (isNEString(config.importMap)) { imFilename = config.importMap; } if (typeof config?.fmt?.options?.indentWidth === "number") { indentWidth = config.fmt.options.indentWidth; } await commands[command as keyof typeof commands](...parseFlags(args)); console.log(`✨ Done in ${( - start).toFixed(2)}ms`); } catch (error) { throw error; }}