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/*! 🚀 * * Add `<script type="module" src=""></script>` to run jsx/ts in browser without build step. * */
const d = document;const l = localStorage;const stringify = JSON.stringify;const modUrl = new URL(import.meta.url);const kScript = "script";const kImportmap = "importmap";const loaders = ["js", "jsx", "ts", "tsx", "babel"];const importMapSupported = HTMLScriptElement.supports?.(kImportmap);const imports: Record<string, string> = {};const scopes: Record<string, typeof imports> = {};const runScripts: { el: HTMLElement; loader: string; source: string }[] = [];
// lookup run scriptsd.querySelectorAll(kScript).forEach((el) => { let loader: string | null = null; if (el.type === kImportmap) { const v = JSON.parse(el.textContent!); for (const k in v.imports) { if (!importMapSupported || k === "@jsxImportSource") { imports[k] = v.imports[k]; } } if (!importMapSupported) { Object.assign(scopes, v.scopes); } } else if (el.type.startsWith("text/")) { loader = el.type.slice(5); if (loaders.includes(loader)) { const source = el.textContent!.trim(); if (source.length <= 64 * 1024) { // 64KB exceeded limit runScripts.push({ el, loader, source }); } } }});
// transform and insert run scriptsconst importMap = stringify({ imports, scopes });runScripts.forEach(async ({ el, loader, source }, idx) => { const buffer = new Uint8Array( await crypto.subtle.digest( "SHA-1", new TextEncoder().encode(loader + source + importMap), ), ); const hash = [...buffer].map((b) => b.toString(16).padStart(2, "0")).join(""); const jsCacheKey = "" + idx; const hashCacheKey = jsCacheKey + ".hash"; let js = l.getItem(jsCacheKey); if (js && l.getItem(hashCacheKey) !== hash) { js = null; } if (!js) { const { origin } = modUrl; const res = await fetch(origin + `/+${hash}.mjs`); if (res.ok) { js = await res.text(); } else { const res = await fetch(origin + "/transform", { method: "POST", body: stringify({ loader, source, importMap, hash }), }); const { code, error } = await res.json(); if (error) { throw new Error(error.message); } js = code; } l.setItem(jsCacheKey, js!); l.setItem(hashCacheKey, hash); } const script = d.createElement(kScript); script.type = "module"; script.textContent = js!; el.replaceWith(script);});