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A compact file format to losslessly serialize an ECMAScript module graph into a single file
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import { build, Parser } from "./mod.ts";import { assert, assertEquals, assertRejects,} from "";
Deno.test("roundtrip build + parse", async () => { const eszip = await build([ "", "", "external:main.js", ], async (specifier: string) => { if (specifier === "external:main.js") { return { kind: "external", specifier, }; }
if (specifier === "") { return { kind: "module", specifier, headers: { "content-type": "text/typescript", }, content: "export const a = 1;", }; }
return { kind: "module", specifier: "", headers: { "content-type": "application/typescript", }, content: `import "";`, }; });
assert(eszip instanceof Uint8Array); const parser = new Parser(); const specifiers = await parser.parseBytes(eszip); assertEquals(specifiers, [ "", "", ]);
await parser.load(); const mod = await parser.getModuleSource(""); assertEquals(mod, 'import "";\n'); const a = await parser.getModuleSource(""); assertEquals(a, "export const a = 1;\n");});
Deno.test("build default loader", async () => { const eszip = await build([""]); assert(eszip instanceof Uint8Array);});
Deno.test("loader errors", async () => { await assertRejects( () => build( [""], (specifier: string) => Promise.reject(new Error("oops")), ), undefined, "oops", );});