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A compact file format to losslessly serialize an ECMAScript module graph into a single file
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#!/usr/bin/env -S deno run --allow-read --allow-write --allow-net --no-checkimport { load } from "../../loader.ts";import { build, LoadResponse } from "../../mod.ts";// import { load } from "";// import { build, LoadResponse } from "";
import * as path from "";
const STAGE1_SPECIFIER = "acme:stage1";const STAGE2_SPECIFIER = "acme:stage2";
function stage1() { return ` import * as stage2 from "${STAGE2_SPECIFIER}"; import { serve } from "";
await serve(async (req) => { const url = new URL(req.url); const handler = stage2.config.urls[url.pathname]; const handlerFn = stage2.handlers[handler]; return handlerFn ? await handlerFn(req) : new Response("DEFAULT"); }); `;}
function inlineTsMod(specifier: string, content: string): LoadResponse { return { content, headers: { "content-type": "application/typescript", }, kind: "module", specifier, };}
function stage1Loader() { return async (specifier: string): Promise<LoadResponse | undefined> => { if (specifier === STAGE1_SPECIFIER) { // Load stage 1 wrapper from net/disk or codegenerated in-memory return inlineTsMod(specifier, stage1()); } else if (specifier === STAGE2_SPECIFIER) { // Dangling reference to stage2 return { kind: "external", specifier }; } // Falling back to the default loading logic. return load(specifier); };}
interface Stage2Config { paths: Record<string, string>; // handler_name => entrypoint_path (absolute) urls: Record<string, string>; // url => handler_name mapping localSrcRoot: string;}
function stage2(conf: Stage2Config) { const handlerNames = Object.keys(conf.paths); const handlerImports = => { return `import ${name} from "${nsSpec(conf, name)}";`; }).join("\n"); return ` ${handlerImports} export const handlers = { ${handlerNames.join(", ")} }; export const config = ${JSON.stringify(conf)}; `;}
/// Namespaced specifier, file:///src/... (relative to root)function nsSpec(conf: Stage2Config, name: string) { const filepath = conf.paths[name]; const rel = path.relative(conf.localSrcRoot, filepath); return path.toFileUrl(path.join("/src", rel));}
function stage2Loader(conf: Stage2Config) { return async (specifier: string): Promise<LoadResponse | undefined> => { if (specifier === STAGE2_SPECIFIER) { // Codegen stage2 from config to include handler specifics return inlineTsMod(specifier, stage2(conf)); } else if (specifier.startsWith("file:///src/")) { // Local specifier (handler entrypoint or relative import) const localRoot = path.toFileUrl(conf.localSrcRoot).toString(); const trueSpec = specifier.replace("file:///src", localRoot); const resp = await load(trueSpec); return resp && { ...resp, specifier, // preserve original spec }; } // Falling back to the default loading logic. return await load(specifier); };}
function unifiedLoader(conf: Stage2Config) { const s2Loader = stage2Loader(conf); return async (specifier: string): Promise<LoadResponse | undefined> => { if (specifier === STAGE1_SPECIFIER) { return inlineTsMod(specifier, stage1()); } return s2Loader(specifier); };}
async function main(allArgs: string[]) { // Specifics of how you obtain the list of handlers is up to you // e.g: conf/project files, FS walking, etc... const cwd = Deno.cwd(); const stage2Config: Stage2Config = { paths: { foo: path.join(cwd, "handlers", "foo.ts"), bar: path.join(cwd, "handlers", "bar", "index.ts"), }, urls: { "/foo": "foo", "/kungfu": "foo", "/bar": "bar", "/drink": "bar", }, localSrcRoot: cwd, };
const [cmd, ...args] = allArgs; switch (cmd) { // Produces an ESZIP with only stage1 case "stage1": { const [destPath] = args; const bytes = await build([STAGE1_SPECIFIER], stage1Loader()); return await Deno.writeFile(destPath, bytes); } // Produces an ESZIP with only stage2 case "stage2": { const [destPath] = args; const bytes = await build([STAGE2_SPECIFIER], stage2Loader(stage2Config)); return await Deno.writeFile(destPath, bytes); } // Produces an ESZIP with stage1 & stage2 case "unified": { const [destPath] = args; const bytes = await build( [STAGE1_SPECIFIER], unifiedLoader(stage2Config), ); return await Deno.writeFile(destPath, bytes); } }}await main(Deno.args);