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Embedded JS template engine for Node, Deno, and the browser. Lighweight, fast, and pluggable. Written in TypeScript
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import Parse from "./parse.ts";
/* TYPES */
import { EtaConfig } from "./config.ts";import { AstObject } from "./parse.ts";
/** * Compiles a template string to a function string. Most often users just use `compile()`, which calls `compileToString` and creates a new function using the result * * **Example** * * ```js * compileToString("Hi <%= it.user %>", eta.config) * // "var tR='',include=E.include.bind(E),includeFile=E.includeFile.bind(E);tR+='Hi ';tR+=E.e(it.user);if(cb){cb(null,tR)} return tR" * ``` */
export default function compileToString(str: string, config: EtaConfig) { var buffer: Array<AstObject> = Parse(str, config);
var res = "var tR=''" + (config.include ? ",include=E.include.bind(E)" : "") + (config.includeFile ? ",includeFile=E.includeFile.bind(E)" : "") + "\n" + (config.useWith ? "with(" + config.varName + "||{}){" : "") + compileScope(buffer, config) + "if(cb){cb(null,tR)} return tR" + (config.useWith ? "}" : "");
if (config.plugins) { for (var i = 0; i < config.plugins.length; i++) { var plugin = config.plugins[i]; if (plugin.processFnString) { res = plugin.processFnString(res, config); } } }
return res;}
/** * Loops through the AST generated by `parse` and transform each item into JS calls * * **Example** * * ```js * // AST version of 'Hi <%= it.user %>' * let templateAST = ['Hi ', { val: 'it.user', t: 'i' }] * compileScope(templateAST, eta.config) * // "tR+='Hi ';tR+=E.e(it.user);" * ``` */
function compileScope(buff: Array<AstObject>, config: EtaConfig) { var i = 0; var buffLength = buff.length; var returnStr = "";
for (i; i < buffLength; i++) { var currentBlock = buff[i]; if (typeof currentBlock === "string") { var str = currentBlock;
// we know string exists returnStr += "tR+='" + str + "'\n"; } else { var type = currentBlock.t; // ~, s, !, ?, r var content = currentBlock.val || "";
if (type === "r") { // raw returnStr += "tR+=" + content + "\n"; } else if (type === "i") { // interpolate if (config.autoEscape) { content = "E.e(" + content + ")"; } returnStr += "tR+=" + content + "\n"; // reference } else if (type === "e") { // execute returnStr += content + "\n"; // you need a \n in case you have <% } %> } } }
return returnStr;}