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Embedded JS template engine for Node, Deno, and the browser. Lighweight, fast, and pluggable. Written in TypeScript
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import { fs, path, readFileSync } from "./file-methods.ts";var _BOM = /^\uFEFF/;
// express is set like: app.engine('html', require('eta').renderFile)
import EtaErr from "./err.ts";
/* TYPES */
import type { EtaConfig } from "./config.ts";
/** * Get the path to the included file from the parent file path and the * specified path. * * If `name` does not have an extension, it will default to `.eta` * * @param name specified path * @param parentfile parent file path * @param isDirectory whether parentfile is a directory * @return absolute path to template */
function getWholeFilePath( name: string, parentfile: string, isDirectory?: boolean,): string { var includePath = path.resolve( isDirectory ? parentfile : path.dirname(parentfile), // returns directory the parent file is in name, // file ); var ext = path.extname(name); if (!ext) { includePath += ".eta"; } return includePath;}
/** * Get the absolute path to an included template * * If this is called with an absolute path (for example, starting with '/' or 'C:\') * then Eta will attempt to resolve the absolute path within options.views. If it cannot, * Eta will fallback to options.root or '/' * * If this is called with a relative path, Eta will: * - Look relative to the current template (if the current template has the `filename` property) * - Look inside each directory in options.views * * Note: if Eta is unable to find a template using path and options, it will throw an error. * * @param path specified path * @param options compilation options * @return absolute path to template */
function getPath(path: string, options: EtaConfig) { var includePath: string | false = false; var views = options.views; var searchedPaths: Array<string> = [];
// If these four values are the same, // getPath() will return the same result every time. // We can cache the result to avoid expensive // file operations. var pathOptions = JSON.stringify({ filename: options.filename, // filename of the template which called includeFile() path: path, root: options.root, views: options.views, });
if ( options.cache && options.filepathCache && options.filepathCache[pathOptions] ) { // Use the cached filepath return options.filepathCache[pathOptions]; }
/** Add a filepath to the list of paths we've checked for a template */ function addPathToSearched(pathSearched: string) { if (!searchedPaths.includes(pathSearched)) { searchedPaths.push(pathSearched); } }
/** * Take a filepath (like 'partials/mypartial.eta'). Attempt to find the template file inside `views`; * return the resulting template file path, or `false` to indicate that the template was not found. * * @param views the filepath that holds templates, or an array of filepaths that hold templates * @param path the path to the template */
function searchViews( views: Array<string> | string | undefined, path: string, ): string | false { var filePath;
// If views is an array, then loop through each directory // And attempt to find the template if ( Array.isArray(views) && views.some(function (v) { filePath = getWholeFilePath(path, v, true);
return fs.existsSync(filePath); }) ) { // If the above returned true, we know that the filePath was just set to a path // That exists (Array.some() returns as soon as it finds a valid element) return (filePath as unknown) as string; } else if (typeof views === "string") { // Search for the file if views is a single directory filePath = getWholeFilePath(path, views, true);
if (fs.existsSync(filePath)) { return filePath; } }
// Unable to find a file return false; }
// Path starts with '/', 'C:\', etc. var match = /^[A-Za-z]+:\\|^\//.exec(path);
// Absolute path, like /partials/partial.eta if (match && match.length) { // We have to trim the beginning '/' off the path, or else // path.resolve(dir, path) will always resolve to just path var formattedPath = path.replace(/^\/*/, "");
// First, try to resolve the path within options.views includePath = searchViews(views, formattedPath); if (!includePath) { // If that fails, searchViews will return false. Try to find the path // inside options.root (by default '/', the base of the filesystem) var pathFromRoot = getWholeFilePath( formattedPath, options.root || "/", true, );
includePath = pathFromRoot; } } else { // Relative paths // Look relative to a passed filename first if (options.filename) { var filePath = getWholeFilePath(path, options.filename);
if (fs.existsSync(filePath)) { includePath = filePath; } } // Then look for the template in options.views if (!includePath) { includePath = searchViews(views, path); } if (!includePath) { throw EtaErr( 'Could not find the template "' + path + '". Paths tried: ' + searchedPaths, ); } }
// If caching and filepathCache are enabled, // cache the input & output of this function. if (options.cache && options.filepathCache) { options.filepathCache[pathOptions] = includePath; }
return includePath;}
/** * Reads a file synchronously */
function readFile(filePath: string) { try { return readFileSync(filePath).toString().replace(_BOM, ""); // TODO: is replacing BOM's necessary? } catch { throw EtaErr("Failed to read template at '" + filePath + "'"); }}
export { getPath, readFile };