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Embedded JS template engine for Node, Deno, and the browser. Lighweight, fast, and pluggable. Written in TypeScript
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interface EtaConfig
import { type EtaConfig } from "";


autoEscape: boolean

Whether or not to automatically XML-escape interpolations. Default true

autoFilter: boolean

Apply a filter function defined on the class to every interpolation or raw interpolation

autoTrim: trimConfig | [trimConfig, trimConfig]

Configure automatic whitespace trimming. Default [false, 'nl']

cache: boolean

Whether or not to cache templates if name or filename is passed

cacheFilepaths: boolean

Holds cache of resolved filepaths. Set to false to disable.

debug: boolean

Whether to pretty-format error messages (introduces runtime penalties)

escapeFunction: (str: unknown) => string

Function to XML-sanitize interpolations

filterFunction: (val: unknown) => string

Function applied to all interpolations when autoFilter is true

functionHeader: string

Raw JS code inserted in the template function. Useful for declaring global variables for user templates

parse: { exec: string; interpolate: string; raw: string; }

Parsing options

plugins: Array<{ processFnString?: Function; processAST?: Function; processTemplate?: Function; }>

Array of plugins

rmWhitespace: boolean

Remove all safe-to-remove whitespace

tags: [string, string]

Delimiters: by default ['<%', '%>']

useWith: boolean

Make data available on the global object instead of varName

varName: string

Name of the data object. Default it

views: string

Directory that contains templates