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import { assert, assertEquals, assertSpyCalls, describe, equalsResponse, it, RepresentationHeader, spy,} from "./_dev_deps.ts";import { withEtag } from "./transform.ts";
describe("withEtag", () => { it("should return with etag header field if the response does not have etag field", async () => { const digest = spy(() => `""` as const); const initResponse = new Response("ok"); const response = await withEtag(initResponse, digest);
assertSpyCalls(digest, 1); assert( await equalsResponse( response, new Response("ok", { headers: { [RepresentationHeader.ETag]: `""` } }), true, ), ); });
it("should process custom digest what return strong etag object", async () => { const digest = spy(() => ({ weak: false, tag: "abc" })); const initResponse = new Response("ok"); const response = await withEtag(initResponse, digest);
assertSpyCalls(digest, 1); assert( await equalsResponse( response, new Response("ok", { headers: { [RepresentationHeader.ETag]: `"abc"`, }, }), true, ), ); });
it("should process custom digest what return weak etag object", async () => { const digest = spy(() => ({ weak: true, tag: "abc" })); const initResponse = new Response("ok"); const response = await withEtag(initResponse, digest);
assertSpyCalls(digest, 1); assert( await equalsResponse( response, new Response("ok", { headers: { [RepresentationHeader.ETag]: `W/"abc"`, }, }), true, ), ); });
it("should return same response if the response status code is not 2xx", async () => { const initResponse = new Response("", { status: 404 }); const digest = spy(() => `""` as const);
const response = await withEtag(initResponse, digest);
assertSpyCalls(digest, 0); assertEquals(initResponse, response); });
it("should return same response if the response body does not exist", async () => { const initResponse = new Response(); const digest = spy(() => `""` as const);
const response = await withEtag(initResponse, digest);
assertSpyCalls(digest, 0); assertEquals(initResponse, response); });
it("should return same response if the response has been read", async () => { const initResponse = new Response("ok"); const digest = spy(() => `""` as const);
await initResponse.text(); const response = await withEtag(initResponse, digest);
assert(initResponse.bodyUsed); assertSpyCalls(digest, 0); assertEquals(initResponse, response); });
it("should return same response if the response has etag header", async () => { const initResponse = new Response("ok", { headers: { [RepresentationHeader.ETag]: "" }, }); const digest = spy(() => `""` as const);
const response = await withEtag(initResponse, digest);
assertSpyCalls(digest, 0); assertEquals(initResponse, response); });});