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import { computeETagByStrategy, reason, stringifyHeaders } from "./utils.ts";import { assertEquals, assertSpyCalls, assertThrows, describe, it, spy,} from "./_dev_deps.ts";
describe("reason", () => { it("should throw error", () => { assertThrows(() => reason("test")(Error())); });});
describe("stringifyHeaders", () => { it("should return deserialized string", () => { const table: [Headers, string][] = [ [new Headers(), ""], [new Headers({ a: "" }), "a: "], [new Headers({ "a": "a" }), "a: a"], [new Headers({ "a": "", b: "" }), "a: \nb: "], [new Headers({ b: "", a: "" }), "a: \nb: "], [ new Headers({ c: "c", b: "b", a: "a", "x-a": "" }), "a: a\nb: b\nc: c\nx-a: ", ], [ new Headers({ aaa: "", a: "", aa: "" }), "a: \naa: \naaa: ", ], ];
table.forEach(([headers, expected]) => { assertEquals(stringifyHeaders(headers), expected); }); });});
describe("computeETagByStrategy", () => { it("should pass body only if the header is none", async () => { const digest = spy((data: ArrayBuffer) => { assertEquals( new TextDecoder().decode(data), "a", );
return new ArrayBuffer(0); });
const etag = await computeETagByStrategy(new Response("a"), { digest, strong: false, headers: [], });
assertSpyCalls(digest, 1); assertEquals(etag, { weak: true, tag: "" }); });
it("should pass header and body stream", async () => { const digest = spy((data: ArrayBuffer) => { assertEquals( new TextDecoder().decode(data), "content-type: text/plain;charset=UTF-8\n\na", );
return new ArrayBuffer(0); });
const etag = await computeETagByStrategy(new Response("a"), { digest, strong: true, headers: ["content-type"], });
assertSpyCalls(digest, 1); assertEquals(etag, { weak: false, tag: "" }); });
it("should pass header and body stream by default", async () => { const etag = await computeETagByStrategy(new Response("abc")); const etagc = "52d3e27d9e12c76aa045b5d72bab675df54df141";
assertEquals(etag, { weak: true, tag: etagc }); });});