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💧EventEmitter's typesafe replacement
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import { Polyfill as WeakMap } from "";import { importProxy } from "./importProxy.ts";type VoidCtx = import("./types/interfaces/index.ts").VoidCtx;
/** * * * Evt.weakCtx(obj) always return the same instance of VoidCtx for a given object. * No strong reference to the object is created * when the object is no longer referenced it's associated Ctx will be freed from memory. */export function getCtxFactory() {
const ctxByObj = new WeakMap<object, VoidCtx>();
function getCtx(obj: object): VoidCtx {
let ctx = ctxByObj.get(obj);
if (ctx === undefined) {
ctx = (new importProxy.Ctx()) as VoidCtx;
ctxByObj.set(obj, ctx);
return ctx;
return getCtx;