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💧EventEmitter's typesafe replacement
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import { typeGuard } from "../../tools/typeSafety/index.ts";type CtxLike<Result> = import("./interfaces/index.ts").CtxLike<Result>;type VoidCtxLike = import("./interfaces/index.ts").VoidCtxLike;
export const z_f1 = { "fλ_Stateful_match": function match<T, U, CtxResult>(op: Operator<T, U, CtxResult>): op is Operator..Stateful<T, U, CtxResult> { return typeof op !== "function"; }, "fλ_Result_match": function match<U, CtxResult>(result: any): result is Operator..Result<U, CtxResult> { return z_f1.fλ_Result_Matched_match(result) || z_f1.fλ_Result_NotMatched_match(result); }, "fλ_Result_getDetachArg": function getDetachArg<CtxResult>(result: Operator..Result<any, CtxResult>): boolean | [CtxLike<CtxResult>, undefined | Error, CtxResult] {
const detach = z_f1.fλ_Result_Matched_match<any, CtxResult>(result) ? result[1] : result;
if (z_f1.fλ_Result_Detach_FromEvt_match(detach)) { return true; }
if (z_f1.fλ_Result_Detach_WithCtxArg_match<CtxResult>(detach)) { return [ detach.DETACH as Exclude<typeof detach.DETACH, VoidCtxLike>, (detach as Extract<Operator..Result<any, CtxResult>, { err: any }>).err, (detach as Extract<Operator..Result<any, CtxResult>, { res: any }>).res ]; }
return false;
}, "fλ_Result_NotMatched_match": function match<CtxResult>(result: any): result is Operator..Result.NotMatched<CtxResult> { return ( result === null || z_f1.fλ_Result_Detach_match(result) ); }, "fλ_Result_Matched_match": function match<U, CtxResult>( result: any, ): result is Operator..Result.Matched<U, CtxResult> { return ( typeGuard<Operator..Result.Matched<U, CtxResult>>(result) && result instanceof Object && !("input" in result) && //exclude String.prototype.match ( result.length === 1 || ( result.length === 2 && ( result[1] === null || z_f1.fλ_Result_Detach_match(result[1]) ) ) ) ); }, "fλ_Result_Detach_FromEvt_match": function match(detach: any): detach is Operator..Result.Detach.FromEvt { return detach === "DETACH"; }, "fλ_Result_Detach_WithCtxArg_match": function match<CtxResult>(detach: any): detach is Operator..Result.Detach.WithCtxArg<CtxResult> { return ( typeGuard<Operator..Result.Detach<CtxResult>>(detach) && detach instanceof Object && detach.DETACH instanceof Object ); }, "fλ_Result_Detach_match": function match<CtxResult>(detach: any): detach is Operator..Result.Detach<CtxResult> { return z_f1.fλ_Result_Detach_FromEvt_match(detach) || z_f1.fλ_Result_Detach_WithCtxArg_match(detach); }


/** */export type Operator<T, U, CtxResult = any> = Operator.<T, U, CtxResult> | ((data: U) => boolean) | //Filter (U extends T ? (data: T) => data is U : never) //Type guard ;
export namespace Operator {
export type <T, U, CtxResult = any> =.Stateless<T, U, CtxResult> |.Stateful<T, U, CtxResult> ;
export namespace{
export type Stateless<T, U, CtxResult = any> = (data: T, prev?: undefined, isPost?: true) => Result<U, CtxResult>;
export type Stateful<T, U, CtxResult = any> = [ (data: T, prev: U, isPost?: true) => Result<U, CtxResult>, U //Seed ];
export namespace Stateful {
export const match = z_f1.fλ_Stateful_match;
export type Result<U, CtxResult = any> = Result.Matched<U, CtxResult> | Result.NotMatched<CtxResult>;
export namespace Result {
export const match = z_f1.fλ_Result_match;
export const getDetachArg = z_f1.fλ_Result_getDetachArg;
export type NotMatched<CtxResult = any> = Detach<CtxResult> | null;
export namespace NotMatched {
export const match = z_f1.fλ_Result_NotMatched_match;
export type Matched<U, CtxResult = any> = Matched.NoDetachArg<U> | Matched.WithDetachArg<U, CtxResult>;
export namespace Matched {
export type NoDetachArg<U> = readonly [U];
export type WithDetachArg<U, CtxResult = any> = readonly [U, Detach<CtxResult> | null];
export const match = z_f1.fλ_Result_Matched_match;
export type Detach<CtxResult = any> = Detach.FromEvt | Detach.WithCtxArg<CtxResult>;
export namespace Detach {
export type FromEvt = "DETACH";
export namespace FromEvt {
export const match = z_f1.fλ_Result_Detach_FromEvt_match;

export type WithCtxArg<CtxResult = any> = WithCtxArg.Void | WithCtxArg.Arg<CtxResult>;
export namespace WithCtxArg {
export type Void = { DETACH: VoidCtxLike; err: Error; } | { DETACH: VoidCtxLike; } ;
export type Arg<CtxResult> = { DETACH: CtxLike<CtxResult>; err: Error; } | { DETACH: CtxLike<CtxResult>; res: CtxResult; } ;
export const match = z_f1.fλ_Result_Detach_WithCtxArg_match;
export const match = z_f1.fλ_Result_Detach_match;
export type Stateless<T, U, CtxResult = any> =.Stateless<T, U, CtxResult> | ((data: U) => boolean) | (U extends T ? (data: T) => data is U : never) ;