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💧EventEmitter's typesafe replacement
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//NOTE: Type only
import * as _ from "../lib/index.ts";
type T = void; type Source = _.VoidEvt;
type A = _.ToNonPostableEvt<Source>;
const x: _.NonPostableEvt<T> = null as any as A;x;
type B = _.ToPostableEvt<A>
const y: Source = null as any as B;y;
}{ type T = undefined; type Source = _.Evt<T>;
type A = _.ToNonPostableEvt<Source>;
const x: _.NonPostableEvt<T> = null as any as A;x;
type B = _.ToPostableEvt<A>
const y: B = null as any as Source; y;
}{ type T = undefined | number; type Source = _.Evt<T>;
type A = _.ToNonPostableEvt<Source>;
const x: _.NonPostableEvt<T> = null as any as A;x;
type B = _.ToPostableEvt<A>
const y: B = null as any as Source; y;
}{ type T = undefined; type Source = _.StatefulEvt<T>;
type A = _.ToNonPostableEvt<Source>;
const x: _.StatefulReadonlyEvt<T> = null as any as A;x;
type B = _.ToPostableEvt<A>
const y: B = null as any as Source; y;
}{ type T = undefined | number; type Source = _.StatefulEvt<T>;
type A = _.ToNonPostableEvt<Source>;
const x: _.StatefulReadonlyEvt<T> = null as any as A;x;
type B = _.ToPostableEvt<A>
const y: B = null as any as Source; y;
type Source = { evtText: _.Evt<string | number>; evtIsConnected: _.StatefulReadonlyEvt<boolean | number>; evtTime: _.NonPostableEvt<number | Date>; evtTime2: _.StatefulReadonlyEvt<number | Date>; p: number; };
type A = _.ToNonPostableEvt<Source>;
const x: { evtText: _.NonPostableEvt<string | number>; evtIsConnected: _.StatefulReadonlyEvt<number | boolean>; evtTime: _.NonPostableEvt<number | Date>; evtTime2: _.StatefulReadonlyEvt<number | Date>; p: number; }= null as any as A; x;
type B= _.ToPostableEvt<A>;
const y: { evtText: _.Evt<string | number>; evtIsConnected: _.StatefulEvt<number | boolean>; evtTime: _.Evt<number | Date>; evtTime2: _.StatefulEvt<number | Date>; p: number; }= null as any as B; y;