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💧EventEmitter's typesafe replacement
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import { MapLike, SetLike, DateLike, ArrayLike } from "./types.ts";import { arrAllEquals } from "../reducers/allEquals.ts";
/** * Function that perform a in depth comparison of two things of arbitrary type T * to see if they represent the same date regardless of object references. * * Think of it as JSON.stringify(o1) === JSON.stringify(o2) * but unlike a test performed with JSON.stringify the order in the property * have been assigned to an object does not matter and circular references are supported. * * * If takeIntoAccountArraysOrdering === false then * representsSameData(["a", "b"], ["b", "a"]) will return true. * * If Date are compared via .getTime() * * The objects can includes Map and Set. * */export const same = (() => {
function sameRec<T>( o1: T, o2: T, { takeIntoAccountArraysOrdering }: { takeIntoAccountArraysOrdering: boolean } = { "takeIntoAccountArraysOrdering": true }, o1Path: { key: string; obj: any; }[], o2Path: { key: string; obj: any; }[], o1RealRef: T = o1, o2RealRef: T = o2 ): boolean {
if (, o2)) { return true; }
const i1 ={ obj }) => obj).indexOf(o1RealRef);
if (i1 >= 0) {
const i2 ={ obj }) => obj).indexOf(o2RealRef);
if (i1 !== i2) { return false; }
return arrAllEquals( [o1Path, o2Path] .map( oPath => oPath .map(({ key }) => key) .join("") ) );

if (!(o1 instanceof Object && o1 instanceof Object)) { return false; }

if (DateLike.match(o1)) {
if (!DateLike.match(o2)) { return false; }
return o1.getTime() === o2!.getTime();

if (MapLike.match<any, any>(o1)) {
if (!MapLike.match<any, any>(o2)) { return false; }
type Entry = { key: any, value: any };
const newO1 = new Set<Entry>(); const newO2 = new Set<Entry>();
for (const o of [o1, o2]) {
const newO = o === o1 ? newO1 : newO2;
const arr = Array.from(o.keys());
for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
const key = arr[i]; const value = o.get(key)!;
newO.add({ key, value });
return sameRec( newO1, newO2, { takeIntoAccountArraysOrdering }, o1Path, o2Path, o1RealRef as any, o2RealRef );
let takeIntoAccountArraysOrderingOv: false | undefined = undefined;
if (SetLike.match(o1)) {
if (!SetLike.match(o2)) { return false; }
o1 = Array.from(o1.values()) as any; o2 = Array.from(o2.values()) as any;
takeIntoAccountArraysOrderingOv = false
if (ArrayLike.match<any>(o1)) {
if (!ArrayLike.match<any>(o2)) { return false; }
if (o1.length !== o2.length) { return false; }
if ( !(takeIntoAccountArraysOrderingOv !== undefined ? takeIntoAccountArraysOrderingOv : takeIntoAccountArraysOrdering) ) {
const o2Set = new Set(Array.from(o2));
for (let i = 0; i < o1.length; i++) {
if (!(`${i}` in o1)) { continue; }
const val1 = o1[i];
if (o2Set.has(val1)) { o2Set.delete(val1); continue; }
let isFound = false;
for (const val2 of o2Set.values()) {
if (!sameRec( val1, val2, { takeIntoAccountArraysOrdering }, [...o1Path, { "obj": o1RealRef, "key": "*" }], [...o2Path, { "obj": o2RealRef, "key": "*" }] )) { continue; }
isFound = true; o2Set.delete(val2); break;
if (!isFound) { return false; }
return true;
} else if (!sameRec( Object.keys(o1).filter(key => (o1 as any)[key] !== undefined), Object.keys(o2).filter(key => (o2 as any)[key] !== undefined), { "takeIntoAccountArraysOrdering": false }, [], [] )) { return false }
for (const key in o1) {
if (!sameRec( o1[key], o2[key], { takeIntoAccountArraysOrdering }, [...o1Path, { "obj": o1RealRef, key }], [...o2Path, { "obj": o2RealRef, key }] )) { return false; }
return true;

return function same<T>( o1: T, o2: T, { takeIntoAccountArraysOrdering }: { takeIntoAccountArraysOrdering: boolean } = { "takeIntoAccountArraysOrdering": true }, ): boolean { return sameRec(o1, o2, { takeIntoAccountArraysOrdering }, [], []); }

/** * Return the "same" function with "takeIntoAccountArraysOrdering" default value set as desired. * */export function sameFactory({ takeIntoAccountArraysOrdering }: { takeIntoAccountArraysOrdering: boolean; }) { return { "same": <T>( o1: T, o2: T, prop: { takeIntoAccountArraysOrdering: boolean } = { takeIntoAccountArraysOrdering }, ) => same(o1, o2, prop) }}