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💧EventEmitter's typesafe replacement
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import { LazyEvt } from "./LazyEvt.ts";import { LazyStatefulEvt } from "./LazyStatefulEvt.ts";import { importProxy } from "./importProxy.ts";import { parsePropsFromArgs } from "./Evt.parsePropsFromArgs.ts";import { Evt, onAddHandlerByEvt } from "./Evt.ts";import type { CtxLike, StateDiff, NonPostableEvt, StatefulReadonlyEvt } from "./types/index.ts";
/** */export type StatefulEvt<T> = import("./types/interfaces/index.ts").StatefulEvt<T>;
const runSideEffect = (sideEffect: ()=> void) => sideEffect();
class StatefulEvtImpl<T> extends Evt<T> implements StatefulEvt<T> {
__state: T; get state(): T { return this.__state; } set state(value: T) { if (this.state === value) return;; }
constructor(initialState: T) { super(); this.__state = initialState; this.lazyEvtChange = new LazyStatefulEvt(this.__state);
onAddHandlerByEvt.set( this, (handler, handlerTrigger) => {
if( handler.extract ){ return; }
const opResult = this.getInvocableOp(handler.op)( this.__state, runSideEffect );
if (!opResult) { return; }
} ); }
private readonly lazyEvtDiff = new LazyEvt<StateDiff<T>>(); get evtDiff(): NonPostableEvt<StateDiff<T>> { return this.lazyEvtDiff.evt; }
private readonly lazyEvtChange: LazyStatefulEvt<T>; get evtChange(): StatefulReadonlyEvt<T> { return this.lazyEvtChange.evt; }
private readonly lazyEvtChangeDiff = new LazyEvt<StateDiff<T>>(); get evtChangeDiff(): NonPostableEvt<StateDiff<T>> { return this.lazyEvtChangeDiff.evt; }
post(data: T): number { return this.__post(data, false, false); }
postForceChange(wData?: readonly [T]): number { return this.__post(!!wData ? wData[0] : this.state, true, false); }
postAndWait(data: T) { return this.__post(data, false, true); }
private __post(data: T, forceChange: boolean, doWait: false): number; private __post(data: T, forceChange: boolean, doWait: true): Promise<void>; private __post(data: T, forceChange: boolean, doWait: boolean): number | Promise<void> {
const prevState = this.state;
this.__state = data;
const diff = { prevState, "newState": this.state };
const postVariantName = doWait ? "postAndWait" : "post";
const prs: Promise<void>[] = [];
const r1 = this.lazyEvtDiff[postVariantName](diff);
if (doWait) { prs.push(r1 as any); }
if (forceChange || !, this.state)) { const r2 = this.lazyEvtChange[postVariantName](this.state); const r3 = this.lazyEvtChangeDiff[postVariantName](diff);
if (doWait) { prs.push(r2 as any, r3 as any); }
const r4 = super[postVariantName](data);
return doWait ? (prs.push(r4 as any), Promise.all(prs).then(() => { })) : r4;
pipe(...args: any[]): StatefulEvt<any> {
const evt = super .pipe(...(args as Parameters<typeof importProxy.Evt.prototype.pipe>)) ;
const opResult = this.getInvocableOp(parsePropsFromArgs(args, "pipe").op)( this.__state, runSideEffect );
if (!opResult) {
throw new Error([ "Cannot pipe StatefulEvt because the operator does not match", "it's current state. You would end up with evt.state === undefined", "Use evt.toStateless([ctx]).pipe(op).toStatic(initialState)", "to be sure the StatefulEvt does not have an undefined state" ].join(" "));
return evt.toStateful(opResult[0]);
toStateless(ctx?: CtxLike): Evt<any> {
const onAddHandler= onAddHandlerByEvt.get(this)!;
const out= !!ctx ? super.pipe(ctx) : super.pipe();
onAddHandlerByEvt.set(this, onAddHandler);
return out; }
export const StatefulEvt: { new <T>(initialState: T): StatefulEvt<T>; readonly prototype: StatefulEvt<any>;} = StatefulEvtImpl;
importProxy.StatefulEvt = StatefulEvt;