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💧EventEmitter's typesafe replacement
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import { Evt } from "../lib/index.ts";//import { Evt as EvtNext } from "../lib/Evt";import { id } from "";import { getPromiseAssertionApi } from "../tools/testing/index.ts";import { getHandlerPr } from "./getHandlerPr.ts";const { mustResolve, mustStayPending } = getPromiseAssertionApi();

type Circle = { type: "CIRCLE"; radius: number;};
type Square = { type: "SQUARE"; sideLength: number;};
type Shape = Circle | Square;
const matchCircle = (shape: Shape): shape is Circle => shape.type === "CIRCLE";

type Resolve<T> = (value: T) => void;
export class Deferred<T> {
public readonly pr: Promise<T>;
/** NOTE: Does not need to be called bound to instance*/ public readonly resolve: Resolve<T>;
constructor() {
let resolve!: Resolve<T>; = new Promise<T>( resolve_ => resolve = value => {
this._hasResolved = true;
} );
this.resolve = resolve;
public _hasResolved = false;

const test = ( getSamples: () => { evtShape: Evt<Shape>; prCircle: Promise<Circle>; prRadius: Promise<number>; prBigCircle: Promise<Circle>; prBigShape: Promise<Shape>; }) => {
const { evtShape, prCircle, prRadius, prBigCircle, prBigShape } = getSamples();
const smallCircle: Circle = { "type": "CIRCLE", "radius": 3 };
mustResolve({ "promise": prCircle, "expectedData": smallCircle }); mustResolve({ "promise": prRadius, "expectedData": smallCircle.radius }); mustStayPending(prBigCircle); mustStayPending(prBigShape);;
const { evtShape, prCircle, prRadius, prBigCircle, prBigShape } = getSamples();
const bigCircle: Circle = { "type": "CIRCLE", "radius": 10000 };
mustResolve({ "promise": prCircle, "expectedData": bigCircle}); mustResolve({ "promise": prRadius, "expectedData": bigCircle.radius }); mustResolve({ "promise": prBigCircle, "expectedData": bigCircle }); mustResolve({ "promise": prBigShape, "expectedData": bigCircle });;
const { evtShape, prCircle, prRadius, prBigCircle, prBigShape } = getSamples();
const smallSquare: Square = { "type": "SQUARE", "sideLength": 1 };
mustStayPending(prCircle); mustStayPending(prRadius); mustStayPending(prBigCircle); mustStayPending(prBigShape);;
} {
const { evtShape, prCircle, prRadius, prBigCircle, prBigShape } = getSamples();
const bigSquare: Square = { "type": "SQUARE", "sideLength": 1000000 };
mustStayPending(prCircle); mustStayPending(prRadius); mustStayPending(prBigCircle); mustResolve({ "promise": prBigShape, "expectedData": bigSquare});;

for (const methodName of ["$attachOnce", "$attach", "$attachOncePrepend", "$attachPrepend"] as any as [ "$attachOnce", //"$attach" //"$attachExtract" //"$attachOnceExtract", //"$attachPrepend", //"$attachOncePrepend"]) {
const higherOrder = (variant: "PROMISE" | "CALLBACK") => {
return () => {
const evtShape = new Evt<Shape>();
const dCircle = new Deferred<Circle>(); const prCircle = getHandlerPr( evtShape, () => evtShape[methodName]( shape => matchCircle(shape) ? [shape] : null, circle => dCircle.resolve(circle) ));
const dRadius = new Deferred<number>(); const prRadius = getHandlerPr( evtShape, () => evtShape[methodName]( shape => shape.type === "CIRCLE" ? [shape.radius] : null, radius => dRadius.resolve(radius) ));
const dBigCircle = new Deferred<Circle>(); const prBigCircle = getHandlerPr( evtShape, () => evtShape[methodName]( shape => shape.type === "CIRCLE" && shape.radius > 100 ? [shape] : null, bigCircle => dBigCircle.resolve(bigCircle) ));
const dBigShape = new Deferred<Shape>(); const prBigShape = getHandlerPr( evtShape, () => evtShape[methodName]( shape => { switch (shape.type) { //NOTE: We have to give a hint to typescript on what we will return. case "SQUARE": return (shape.sideLength > 100) ? [id<Shape>(shape)] : null; case "CIRCLE": return (shape.radius > 100) ? [shape] : null; } }, shape => dBigShape.resolve(shape) ));
switch (variant) { case "CALLBACK": return { evtShape, "prCircle":, "prRadius":, "prBigCircle":, "prBigShape": }; case "PROMISE": return { evtShape, prCircle, prRadius, prBigCircle, prBigShape }; }
test(higherOrder("PROMISE")); test(higherOrder("CALLBACK"));

/*for (const methodName of ["attachOnce", "attach", "attachOncePrepend", "attachPrepend"] as any as [ "attachOnce", //"attach" //"attachExtract" //"attachOnceExtract", //"attachPrepend", //"attachOncePrepend"]) {
const higherOrder = (variant: "PROMISE" | "CALLBACK") => {
return () => {
const evtShape = new EvtNext<Shape>();
const dCircle = new Deferred<Circle>(); const prCircle = evtShape[methodName]( shape => matchCircle(shape) ? [shape] : null, circle => dCircle.resolve(circle) ); id<Promise<Circle>>(prCircle);
const dRadius = new Deferred<number>(); const prRadius = evtShape[methodName]( shape => shape.type === "CIRCLE" ? [shape.radius] : null, radius => dRadius.resolve(radius) ); id<Promise<number>>(prRadius);
const dBigCircle = new Deferred<Circle>(); const prBigCircle = evtShape[methodName]( shape => shape.type === "CIRCLE" && shape.radius > 100 ? [shape] : null, bigCircle => dBigCircle.resolve(bigCircle) ); id<Promise<Circle>>(prBigCircle);

const dBigShape = new Deferred<Shape>(); const prBigShape = evtShape[methodName]( shape => { switch (shape.type) { case "SQUARE": return (shape.sideLength > 100) ? [id<Shape>(shape)] : null; case "CIRCLE": return (shape.radius > 100) ? [shape] : null; } }, bigShape => dBigShape.resolve(bigShape) ); id<Promise<Shape>>(prBigShape);
switch (variant) { case "CALLBACK": return { evtShape, "prCircle":, "prRadius":, "prBigCircle":, "prBigShape": }; case "PROMISE": return { evtShape, prCircle, prRadius, prBigCircle, prBigShape }; }
test(higherOrder("PROMISE")); test(higherOrder("CALLBACK"));

for (const methodName of ["attachOnce", "attach", "attachOncePrepend", "attachPrepend"] as any as [ "attachOnce", //"attach" //"attachExtract" //"attachOnceExtract", //"attachPrepend", //"attachOncePrepend"]) {
const higherOrder = (variant: "PROMISE" | "CALLBACK") => {
return () => {
const evtShape = new EvtNext<Shape>();
const dCircle = new Deferred<Circle>(); const prCircle = evtShape[methodName]( matchCircle, circle => dCircle.resolve(circle) );
const dRadius = new Deferred<number>(); const prRadius = evtShape[methodName]( matchCircle, circle => dRadius.resolve(circle.radius) ).then(({ radius }) => radius);
const dBigCircle = new Deferred<Circle>(); const prBigCircle = evtShape[methodName]( shape => shape.type === "CIRCLE" && shape.radius > 100, bigCircle => { //Here big circle is a shape with ts 3.3.4 but it is not usable. dBigCircle.resolve(bigCircle as Circle); } ).then(bigCircle => id<Shape>(bigCircle) as Circle);
const dBigShape = new Deferred<Shape>(); const prBigShape = evtShape[methodName]( shape => { switch (shape.type) { case "SQUARE": return (shape.sideLength > 100); case "CIRCLE": return (shape.radius > 100); } }, bigShape => { //Here big shape is a shape with ts 3.3.4 but it is not usable. dBigShape.resolve(bigShape as Shape) } );
switch (variant) { case "CALLBACK": return { evtShape, "prCircle":, "prRadius":, "prBigCircle":, "prBigShape": }; case "PROMISE": return { evtShape, prCircle, prRadius, prBigCircle, prBigShape }; }
test(higherOrder("PROMISE")); test(higherOrder("CALLBACK"));
setTimeout(() => console.log("PASS"), 0);