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💧EventEmitter's typesafe replacement
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import { assert } from "";;import { is } from "";import { LazyEvt } from "./LazyEvt.ts";import { importProxy } from "./importProxy.ts";import { overwriteReadonlyProp } from "";
import type { Handler, NonPostableEvtLike, Evt, CtxLike, DoneOrAborted} from "./types/index.ts";
export type Ctx<Result = void> = import("./types/interfaces/index.ts").Ctx<Result>;
class CtxImpl<Result> implements Ctx<Result>{

get evtDoneOrAborted(): Evt<DoneOrAborted<Result>> { return this.lazyEvtDoneOrAborted.evt; }
get evtAttach(): Evt<Handler.WithEvt<any, Result>> { return this.lazyEvtAttach.evt; }
get evtDetach(): Evt<Handler.WithEvt<any, Result>> { return this.lazyEvtDetach.evt; }
private __completionStatus: DoneOrAborted<Result> | undefined;
get completionStatus(): DoneOrAborted<Result> | undefined { return this.__completionStatus; }

private lazyEvtAttach = new LazyEvt<Handler.WithEvt<any, Result>>(); private lazyEvtDetach = new LazyEvt<Handler.WithEvt<any, Result>>(); private lazyEvtDoneOrAborted = new LazyEvt<DoneOrAborted<Result>>();
private onDoneOrAborted(doneOrAborted: DoneOrAborted<Result>): void {
this.__completionStatus = doneOrAborted;; }
waitFor(timeout?: number): Promise<Result> { return this.evtDoneOrAborted .waitFor(timeout) .then( data => { if (data.type === "ABORTED") { throw data.error; } return data.result; }, timeoutError => { this.abort(timeoutError); throw timeoutError; } ) ; }

abort(error: Error) { return this.__done(error); }
done(result: Result) { return this.__done(undefined, result); }
/** Detach all handler bound to this context from theirs respective Evt and post getEvtDone() */ private __done(error: Error | undefined, result?: Result): Handler.WithEvt<any, Result>[] {
const handlers: Handler.WithEvt<any, Result>[] = [];
for (const handler of this.handlers.values()) {
const evt = this.evtByHandler.get(handler)!;
const wasStillAttached = handler.detach();
//NOTE: It should not be possible if (!wasStillAttached) { continue; }
handlers.push({ handler, evt }); }
this.onDoneOrAborted({ ...(!!error ? { type: "ABORTED", error } : { type: "DONE", "result": result as NonNullable<typeof result> } ), handlers });

return handlers;
private handlers = new Set< Handler<any, any, Ctx<Result>> >(); private evtByHandler = new WeakMap< Handler<any, any, Ctx<Result>>, NonPostableEvtLike<any> >();
getHandlers(): Handler.WithEvt<any, Result>[] { return Array.from(this.handlers.values()) .map(handler => ({ handler, "evt": this.evtByHandler.get(handler)! })) ; }

zz__addHandler<T>( handler: Handler<T, any, CtxLike<Result>>, evt: NonPostableEvtLike<T> ) { assert(handler.ctx === this); assert(is<Handler<T, any, Ctx<Result>>>(handler));
if( this.completionStatus !== undefined ){ handler.detach(); return; }
this.handlers.add(handler); this.evtByHandler.set(handler, evt);{ handler, evt }); }
zz__removeHandler<T>( handler: Handler<T, any, CtxLike<Result>>, ) { assert(handler.ctx === this); assert(is<Handler<T, any, Ctx<Result>>>(handler));{ handler, "evt": this.evtByHandler.get(handler)! });
this.handlers.delete(handler); }
export const Ctx: { new <Result>(): Ctx<Result>; readonly prototype: Ctx<any>;} = CtxImpl;
try{ overwriteReadonlyProp(Ctx as any, "name", "Ctx"); }catch{}
importProxy.Ctx = Ctx;