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💧EventEmitter's typesafe replacement
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import { allEquals } from "./allEquals.ts";import { ReduceArguments, toReduceArguments } from "./reduceify.ts";
export function arrSameAs<ArrOf>( arr: readonly ArrOf[], otherArr: readonly ArrOf[], areSame: (e1: ArrOf, e2: ArrOf) => boolean = (e1, e2) => e1 === e2): boolean {
if (![arr, otherArr] .map(({ length }) => length) .reduce(...allEquals()) ) { return false; }
for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { if (!areSame(arr[i], otherArr[i])) { return false; } }
return true;
export function sameAs<ArrOf>( otherArr: readonly ArrOf[], areSame?: (e1: ArrOf, e2: ArrOf) => boolean): ReduceArguments<ArrOf, boolean> { return toReduceArguments(arrSameAs, otherArr, areSame);}

export function sameAsFactory({ areEquals }: { areEquals: <T>(e1: T, e2: T) => boolean; }) { return { "sameAs": <ArrOf>(otherArr: readonly ArrOf[]) => sameAs<ArrOf>(otherArr, areEquals) };}