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Eventemitter for deno.
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export type Fn< Params extends readonly unknown[] = readonly unknown[], Result = unknown,> = (...params: Params) => Result;
export type TypedCustomEvent<Type extends string, Detail = unknown> = & CustomEvent<Detail> & { type: Type };
export type CustomEventCallbackAddEventListener< Type extends string = string, Detail = unknown,> = Fn<[event: TypedCustomEvent<Type, Detail>], void>;
export type CustomEventCallbackOn< Type extends string = string, Detail = unknown,> = Fn<[event: TypedCustomEvent<Type, Detail>["detail"]], void>;
export type EventCallbackFromCustomEvent< T extends TypedCustomEvent<string, unknown>,> = Fn<[event: T], void>;
export type CustomEventMap = Record<string, unknown>;
export type EventTargetCompatible = Extract< Parameters<EventTarget["addEventListener"]>[1], Fn>;
type CustomEventDetailParameter< T extends Record<string, unknown>, K extends keyof T,> = ( unknown extends T[K] ? [detail?: unknown] : undefined extends T[K] ? [detail?: T[K]] : T[K] extends never ? [] : [detail: T[K]]);
type CustomEventListenerMap<Type extends string = string, Detail = unknown> = Map< | CustomEventCallbackOn<Type, Detail> | CustomEventCallbackAddEventListener<Type, Detail>, CustomEventCallbackAddEventListener<Type, Detail> >;
export class EventEmitter<T extends CustomEventMap = Record<string, unknown>> extends EventTarget { /** * @var __listeners__ A Map with all listeners, sorted by event */ protected __listeners__: Map< string, // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any CustomEventListenerMap<string, any> > = new Map();
static createEvent<Type extends string, Detail>( type: Type, detail?: Detail, init?: Omit<CustomEventInit, "detail">, ): TypedCustomEvent<Type, Detail> { const evInit = { ...init, detail };
return new CustomEvent(type, evInit) as TypedCustomEvent<Type, Detail>; }
static detailPasser<T extends CustomEventMap, K extends keyof T & string>( callback: CustomEventCallbackOn<K, T[K]>, ) { const call = (event: TypedCustomEvent<K, T[K]>): void => { callback(event.detail); };
return call; }
protected getOrCreateListeners<K extends keyof T & string>( type: K, // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any ): CustomEventListenerMap<K, any> { if (!this.__listeners__.has(type)) { this.__listeners__.set(type, new Map()); }
return this.__listeners__.get(type)!; }
/** * add a callback to an event or multiple events * @param type the event name the callback should listen to * @param callback the callback to execute when the event is dispatched * @param options event options {@link EventTarget["addEventListener"]} */ // @ts-expect-error <different implementation> addEventListener<K extends keyof T & string>( type: K, callback: CustomEventCallbackAddEventListener<K, T[K]>, options?: Parameters<EventTarget["addEventListener"]>[2], ): this { super.addEventListener( type, callback as EventTargetCompatible, options, );
this .getOrCreateListeners(type) .set(callback, callback);
return this; }
/** * add a callback to an event * @param type the event name the callback should listen to * @param callback the callback to execute when the event is dispatched * @param options event options {@link EventTarget["addEventListener"]} */ on<K extends keyof T & string>( type: K, callback: CustomEventCallbackOn<K, T[K]>, options?: Parameters<EventTarget["addEventListener"]>[2], ): this;
/** * add a callback to multiple events * @param types an array of the event names the callback should listen to * @param callback the callback to execute when the event is dispatched * @param options event options {@link EventTarget["addEventListener"]} */ on<K extends keyof T & string>( types: K[], callback: CustomEventCallbackOn<K, T[K]>, options?: Parameters<EventTarget["addEventListener"]>[2], ): this;
on<K extends keyof T & string>( types: K | K[], callback: CustomEventCallbackOn<K, T[K]>, options?: Parameters<EventTarget["addEventListener"]>[2], ) { const detailOnly = EventEmitter.detailPasser(callback);
const addCallback = (type: K) => { super.addEventListener( type, detailOnly as EventTargetCompatible, options, );
this .getOrCreateListeners(type) .set(callback, detailOnly); };
if (typeof types === "string") { addCallback(types); } else { types.forEach((type) => { addCallback(type); }); }
return this; }
/** * add a callback to an event only once. After that, the listener is removed. * @param type the event name the callback should listen to * @param callback the callback to execute when the event is dispatched * @param options event options {@link EventTarget["addEventListener"]} */ once<K extends keyof T & string>( type: K, callback: CustomEventCallbackOn<K, T[K]>, options?: Parameters<EventTarget["addEventListener"]>[2], ): this;
/** * add a callback to multiple events only once. After that, the listener is removed. * @param types an array of the event names the callback should listen to * @param callback the callback to execute when the event is dispatched * @param options event options {@link EventTarget["addEventListener"]} */ once<K extends keyof T & string>( types: K[], callback: CustomEventCallbackOn<K, T[K]>, options?: Parameters<EventTarget["addEventListener"]>[2], ): this;
/** * add a callback to one or multiple events only once. After that, the listener is removed. * @param types an array of the event names the callback should be listen to * @param callback the callback to execute when the event is dispatched * @param options event options {@link EventTarget["addEventListener"]} */ once<K extends keyof T & string>( types: K | K[], callback: CustomEventCallbackOn<K, T[K]>, options?: Parameters<EventTarget["addEventListener"]>[2], ): this { options ||= {};
this.on( // @ts-expect-error <crazy, there are two overloads, but it is not ok for typescript> types, callback, Object.assign( options, { once: true, }, ), );
return this; }
// @ts-expect-error <different implementation> removeEventListener<K extends keyof T & string>( type: K, callback: | CustomEventCallbackAddEventListener<K, T[K]> | CustomEventCallbackOn<K, T[K]>, options?: Parameters<EventTarget["removeEventListener"]>[2], ): this { const realCb = this.__listeners__.get(type)?.get(callback);
if (realCb) { super.removeEventListener( type, this.__listeners__.get(type)!.get( callback, )! as EventTargetCompatible, options, );
this .getOrCreateListeners(type) .delete(callback); }
return this; }
/** * remove all EventListeners */ off<K extends keyof T & string>(): this;
/** * remove all EventListeners for a specific event * @param type the name of the event all listeners should be removed */ off<K extends keyof T & string>( type: K, ): this;
/** * remove all EventListeners for multiple specific events * @param types an array of events for who all listeners should be removed */ off<K extends keyof T & string>( types: K[], ): this;
/** * remove a specific EventListener for a specific event * @param type the name of the event for that all listeners should be removed * @param callback the callback function to remove */ off<K extends keyof T & string>( type: K, callback: | CustomEventCallbackOn<K, T[K]> | CustomEventCallbackAddEventListener<K, T[K]>, ): this;
/** * remove a specific EventListener for multiple specific events * @param types an array of events for who all listeners should be removed * @param callback the callback function to remove */ off<K extends keyof T & string>( types: K[], callback: | CustomEventCallbackOn<K, T[K]> | CustomEventCallbackAddEventListener<K, T[K]>, ): this;
off<K extends keyof T & string>( types?: K | K[], callback?: | CustomEventCallbackOn<K, T[K]> | CustomEventCallbackAddEventListener<K, T[K]>, ): this { const doRemove = ( type: K, optionalCallback?: CustomEventCallbackAddEventListener<K, T[K]>, ) => { const cb = optionalCallback ?? callback;
if (cb) { this.removeEventListener(type, cb); } };
// remove all EventListeners if (!types && !callback) { this.__listeners__.forEach((map, type) => { map.forEach((_value, callback) => { doRemove(type as K, callback); }); });
this.__listeners__.clear(); } // remove all EventListeners for specific event(s) else if (types && !callback) { const removeAllForOneType = (type: K) => { const listeners = this.__listeners__.get(type);
listeners?.forEach((listener) => { doRemove(type, listener); });
this.__listeners__.delete(type); };
if (typeof types === "string") { removeAllForOneType(types); } else { types.forEach((type) => { removeAllForOneType(type); }); } } // remove specific EventListener for specific event(s) else if (types && callback) { if (typeof types === "string") { doRemove(types); } else { types.forEach((type) => { doRemove(type); }); } } // unknown case else { throw new Error("Unknown case for removing event!"); }
return this; }
/** * @param type the name of the event * @returns Dispatches a synthetic event event to target and returns true * if either event's cancelable attribute value is false or its preventDefault() method was not invoked, * and false otherwise. */ dispatchEvent<E extends Event>(type: E): boolean { return super.dispatchEvent(type); }
/** * Alias for emit */ dispatch = this.emit;
/** * Emit an event with given detail * Calls all listeners that listen to the emitted event * @param type name of the event * @param param1 the detail that should be applied to the event * @returns a Promise that resolves with this */ emit<K extends keyof T & string>( type: K, ...[detail]: CustomEventDetailParameter<T, K> ): this { const event = EventEmitter.createEvent( type, detail, );
return this; }
/** * wait for an event to be dispatched * @param type the typed name of the event */ pull<K extends keyof T & string>(type: K): Promise<T[K]>;
/** * wait for an event to be dispatched and reject after a specific amount of milliseconds * @param type the typed name of the event * @param timeout optional timeout */
pull<K extends keyof T & string>(type: K, timeout: number): Promise<T[K]>;
pull<K extends keyof T & string>(type: K, timeout?: number): Promise<T[K]> { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { let timeoutId: number | null;
this.once(type, (event) => { timeoutId && clearTimeout(timeoutId);
resolve(event); });
if (timeout) { timeoutId = setTimeout(() => { clearTimeout(timeoutId!);
reject("Timed out!"); }); } }); }
/** * same as emit. Used for pub / sub conventions */ publish = this.emit;
/** * Subscribe method. * Returns a cleanup function to remove the added EventListener * @param type the event name the callback should listen to * @param callback the callback to execute when the event is dispatched * @param options event options {@link EventTarget["addEventListener"]} * @returns cleanup function */ subscribe<K extends keyof T & string>( type: K, callback: CustomEventCallbackOn<K, T[K]>, options?: Parameters<EventTarget["addEventListener"]>[2], ): Fn<never, void> { this.on(type, callback, options);
return () => {, callback); }; }
/** * Get all EventListeners for a specific Event * @param type the event name */ getListeners<K extends keyof T & string>( type: K, ): Set<CustomEventCallbackAddEventListener | CustomEventCallbackOn>;
/** * Get all EventListeners */ getListeners(): Map< string, Set<CustomEventCallbackAddEventListener | CustomEventCallbackOn> >;
getListeners<K extends keyof T & string>( type?: K, ): | Set< | CustomEventCallbackAddEventListener<string, unknown> | CustomEventCallbackOn<string, unknown> > | Map< string, Set< | CustomEventCallbackAddEventListener<string, unknown> | CustomEventCallbackOn<string, unknown> > > { const getListenersOfType = (type: string) => { const listeners = new Set< CustomEventCallbackAddEventListener | CustomEventCallbackOn >();
const listenersSet = this.__listeners__.get(type);
if (listenersSet) { for (const listener of listenersSet.values()) { listeners.add(listener); } }
return listeners; };
if (!type) { const listeners = new Map< string, Set<CustomEventCallbackAddEventListener | CustomEventCallbackOn> >();
const entries = this.__listeners__.entries();
// console.log(entries, this.__listeners__);
for (const [type] of entries) { // console.log(type);
listeners.set(type, getListenersOfType(type)); }
return listeners; }
return getListenersOfType(type); }}
export default EventEmitter;