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import { EventEmitter } from "./EventEmitter.ts";import { assert, assertRejects, assertStrictEquals, fail,} from "";
const waitForTimeout = ( fn: (args?: unknown[]) => void | Promise<void>, timeout: number, // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any ...args: any[]): Promise<void> => { return new Promise((resolve) => { const timeoutId = setTimeout( async (args) => { await fn(args);
resolve(); }, timeout, ...args, ); });};
Deno.test("EventEmitter", async (ctx) => { type ReservedEvents = { reserved: string; reserved2: [string]; };
type UserEvents = { ping: string; pong: { data: string }; };
class Implementing extends EventEmitter<UserEvents, ReservedEvents> { constructor() { super();; }
protected async run() { await waitForTimeout(() => { this.emitReserved("reserved", "reserved");
this.emitReserved("reserved2", ["reserved2"]); }, 10); } }
await ctx.step("reserved events", async (ctx) => { await ctx.step("listening is possible", async () => { const instance = new Implementing();
await instance.pull("reserved").then((reserved) => { assertStrictEquals(reserved, "reserved"); }); }); });});
type Events = { foo: "bar"; bar: "bar"; baz: undefined; pong: "bar"; adjustCount: "increment" | "decrement";};
Deno.test("EventEmitter base functions", async (ctx) => { /** * @see */
await ctx.step("on", async (ctx) => { await ctx.step("one event", () => { const target = new EventEmitter<Events>();
target.on("foo", (detail) => { assertStrictEquals(detail, "bar"); });
target.emit("foo", "bar"); });
await ctx.step("multiple events", () => { const target = new EventEmitter<Events>();
target.on(["foo", "bar"], (detail) => { assertStrictEquals(detail, "bar"); });
target.emit("foo", "bar");
target.emit("bar", "bar"); }); });
await ctx.step("once", () => { const target = new EventEmitter<Events>();
target.once("pong", (detail) => { assertStrictEquals(detail, "bar"); });
target.emit("pong", "bar"); });
await ctx.step("off", async (ctx) => { await ctx.step("exact off", () => { const target = new EventEmitter<Events>();
function foo() { fail(); }
target.on("foo", foo).on("bar", foo).on("baz", foo);"foo", foo);["bar", "baz"], foo);
target.emit("foo", "bar"); });
await ctx.step("offEvent", () => { const target = new EventEmitter<Events>();
let i = 0;
target.on("foo", () => i--);
target.on("foo", () => i--);
target.on("baz", () => (i = i + 2));
target.on("bar", () => i++);"foo");
target.emit("foo", "bar");
assertStrictEquals(i, 0);
target.emit("bar", "bar");
assertStrictEquals(i, 1); });
await ctx.step("offEvent", () => { const target = new EventEmitter<Events>();
let i = 0;
target.on("foo", () => i--);
target.on("bar", () => i++);
target.emit("foo", "bar");
assertStrictEquals(i, -1);["foo", "bar"]);
target.emit("bar", "bar");
assertStrictEquals(i, -1); });
await ctx.step("offAll", () => { const target = new EventEmitter<Events>();
let i = 0;
target.on("foo", () => i++);
target.on("bar", () => i++);;
target.emit("foo", "bar").emit("bar", "bar");
assertStrictEquals(i, 0); }); });
await ctx.step("chainable", () => { const target = new EventEmitter<Events>();
function foo() { fail(); }
function bar(detail: string) { assertStrictEquals(detail, "bar"); }
function barEvent(detail: CustomEvent) { assertStrictEquals(detail.detail, "bar"); }
target.on("foo", foo).off("foo", foo);
target.emit("foo", "bar");
target .once("foo", bar) .addEventListener("foo", barEvent) .emit("foo", "bar"); });
await ctx.step("pull", async (ctx) => { await ctx.step("without timeout", async () => { const target = new EventEmitter<Events>();
const promise = target.pull("foo");
await waitForTimeout(async () => { target.emit("foo", "bar");
const detail = await promise;
assertStrictEquals(detail, "bar"); }, 10); });
await ctx.step("with timeout", async (ctx) => { await ctx.step("should resolve", async () => { const target = new EventEmitter<Events>();
const promise = target.pull("foo", 20);
await waitForTimeout(async () => { target.emit("foo", "bar");
const detail = await promise;
assertStrictEquals(detail, "bar"); }, 10); });
await ctx.step("should reject", async () => { const target = new EventEmitter<Events>();
await assertRejects(() => target.pull("foo", 10)); }); }); });
await ctx.step("getListeners", async (ctx) => { await ctx.step("all listeners", () => { const target = new EventEmitter<Events>();
const callback = () => {};
const callback2 = () => {};
target.once(["foo", "bar"], callback);
target.addEventListener("foo", callback2);
const listeners = target.getListeners();
assertStrictEquals(listeners.size, 2);
assert(listeners.get("bar")?.has(callback)); });
await ctx.step("listeners of type", () => { const target = new EventEmitter<Events>();
const callback = () => {};
const callback2 = () => {};
target.on("foo", callback);
target.addEventListener("foo", callback2, { once: true });
assertStrictEquals(target.getListeners("foo").size, 2);
assert(target.getListeners("foo").has(callback)); });
await ctx.step("listeners are removed", () => { const target = new EventEmitter<Events>();
const callback = () => {}, callback2 = () => {}, callback3 = () => {}, callback4 = () => {};
target .once("foo", callback) .on("foo", callback2) .addEventListener("foo", callback3, { once: true, }) .addEventListener("foo", callback4);
assertStrictEquals(target.getListeners("foo").size, 4);
target.emit("foo", "bar");
assertStrictEquals(target.getListeners("foo").size, 2);"foo", callback2);
assertStrictEquals(target.getListeners("foo").size, 1);
target.removeEventListener("foo", callback4);
assertStrictEquals(target.getListeners("foo").size, 0); }); });
await ctx.step("dispatches events", () => { const target = new EventEmitter<Events>(); let count = 0;
target.addEventListener("adjustCount", ({ detail }) => { count += detail === "increment" ? 1 : -1; });
const incrementEvent = EventEmitter.createEvent( "adjustCount", "increment" as const, );
target.dispatch("adjustCount", "decrement");
target.dispatch("adjustCount", "decrement");
target.dispatch("adjustCount", "increment");
assertStrictEquals(count, 1); });
await ctx.step('correctly implements "once" option', () => { const target = new EventEmitter<Events>(); let count = 0;
const cb = (ev: CustomEvent) => { count += ev.detail === "increment" ? 1 : -1; };
target.addEventListener("adjustCount", cb, { once: true });
const incrementEvent = EventEmitter.createEvent( "adjustCount", "increment" as const, );
assertStrictEquals(count, 0);
assertStrictEquals(count, 1);
assertStrictEquals(count, 1); });
await ctx.step('"subscribe" method returns "unsubscribe" function', () => { const target = new EventEmitter<Events>();
let count = 0;
const unsubscribe = target.subscribe("adjustCount", (payload) => { count += payload === "increment" ? 1 : -1;
unsubscribe(); });
assertStrictEquals(count, 0);
target.publish("adjustCount", "increment");
assertStrictEquals(count, 1);
target.publish("adjustCount", "increment");
assertStrictEquals(count, 1); });});