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import {existsSync } from "../../deps.ts";import { join } from "../../deps.ts";import { format } from "../../deps.ts";
export const create = async (commitMessage:string) => {
// check if migrations directory existsif(existsSync(join(Deno.cwd(),'migrations'))){ const date = format(new Date(), "yyyy_MM_dd_HH_mm_ss"); //create a copy the migration template file and place a migration file into the migrations directory which was created from init const res = await fetch(""); await Deno.writeTextFile(join(Deno.cwd(), `migrations/${date}_${Deno.args[1]}.ts`), await res.text());
console.log(`new Exodus migration file created: ${date}_${Deno.args[1]}.ts`); } else { // if it doesn't, throw an error console.log('error: need to init first'); }}