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//importsimport { ensureDir, existsSync } from "../../deps.ts"// import { writeJSONSync } from "../../deps.ts"import { join } from "../../deps.ts";
export const dbExtract = async (db:any, dbName:string) => {
//check to see if database migration folder exists if(existsSync(join(Deno.cwd(),'database-migration'))){
//create folder with users dbname inside the dbmigrations folder ensureDir(join('database-migration',`${dbName}`)); //create data directory inside of the dbname directory ensureDir(join('database-migration',`${dbName}`,'data')); //grab an array of the collection within the users input db const collections = await db.listCollections().toArray();
for(const info of collections){ const collection = db.collection(; // grab all documents within collection const cursor = collection.find({},{ noCursorTimeout:false }); // convert data into an array const data = await cursor.toArray();
// create a json file of the data for each collection Deno.writeTextFile(join('database-migration',`${dbName}`,'data', `${}.json`), JSON.stringify(data));