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import { ensureDir } from "../../deps.ts";import { join, resolve } from "../../deps.ts";
export const dbInit = () => { // need to create the database migration directory, also in the user's cwd // checks if database migration directory exists in cwd, if not then it creates a database migrations directory in cwd ensureDir(join(Deno.cwd(),'database-migration'))//creates tenplate database config files in order to determine what database you whant to extract data from and what databse you want to apply it to const createSetupTemplates = async () => { // need to copy the setup config template into the user's current working directory const res1 = await fetch(""); // copies the setup config template (setup.ts) into current working directory and naming this copy 'setupExtract.ts' await Deno.writeTextFile(resolve(Deno.cwd(), 'setupExtract.ts'), await res1.text()); // copies the setup config template (setup.ts) into current working directory and naming this copy 'setupApply.ts' const res2 = await fetch(""); await Deno.writeTextFile(resolve(Deno.cwd(), 'setupApply.ts'), await res2.text()); }
return createSetupTemplates();