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import { join } from "../../deps.ts"
//interface/(shape of) our documentsinterface Log { file:string, migratedAt:string}export const log = async(db:any) => {//gets all the filenames within the migrations folder let files:Array<string> = [];
for await (let file of Deno.readDir(join(Deno.cwd(),'migrations'))){ if (file.isFile && !== 'migration.ts') files.push(; }//establishes the connection to the migrationLog connection in mongodb const migrationCollection = db.collection('migrationLog');// creates an array of all the documents in the mirgation collection const migrationLog: Array<Log> = await migrationCollection.find({},{ noCursorTimeout:false }).toArray();// applies a func on every file from the migrations folder const logStatus:Array<Log> = await Promise.all( (file:string) => { //create a var that will be a prop on the collection obj let migratedAt:string; //finds the first file that matches in the migrationLog(which is an array of docs in migr. coll) for(const document of migrationLog){ if(document.file === file){ //if the file name matches the file already in the migrationLog assign the migrated at prop migratedAt = document.migratedAt; //return the document return {file, migratedAt} } } //if not migratedAt = 'PENDING'; //return an obj with props of the files name and the mirgatedAt status return {file, migratedAt} })) //return the logStatus to be displayed onto the terminal as a table for the user's view(this will be done in the cli) return logStatus;};