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import { Bson, MongoClient } from "../../deps.ts"

export const databaseConfig = {
async connect( normal:string = 'normal') { let data:any if (normal==='normal') { data = await import('file://'+ Deno.cwd()+'/setup.ts'); } if (normal==='test') { data = await import('file://'+ Deno.cwd()+'/setupTest.ts'); } if (normal==='extract') { data = await import('file://'+ Deno.cwd()+'/setupExtract.ts'); } if (normal==='apply') { data = await import('file://'+ Deno.cwd()+'/setupApply.ts'); }
const dbConfig = data!.dbConfig; //grab the properties from the exported dbconfig obj to pass into connect const url:string = dbConfig.servers[0].host; const dbName:string = dbConfig.dbName; const tls:boolean = dbConfig.tls; const port:number = dbConfig.servers[0].port; const user:string = dbConfig.credential.user; const pw:string =;

const client = new MongoClient();
//initate the connection with MongoDb await client.connect({ db: dbName, tls: tls, servers: [ { host: url, port: port, }, ], credential: { username: user, password: pw, db: dbName, mechanism: "SCRAM-SHA-1" }, })
const db = client.database(dbName); return {client, db, dbName} }}