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A promise that can be delayed (extended) via repeated calls to waitUntil.
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import ''import { assert, assertExists, assertEquals, assertStrictEquals, assertStringIncludes, assertThrows, assertRejects,} from ''const { test } = Deno;
import { ExtendablePromise } from '../index.ts';
test('exists', () => { assertExists(ExtendablePromise)})
test('should be instantiable as a class', () => { assertExists(new ExtendablePromise())});
test('initialize it with a value', async () => { assertExists(await new ExtendablePromise(true))})
test('promise settled result', async () => { assertEquals(await new ExtendablePromise(true), [{ status: 'fulfilled', value: true }])})
test('promise settled result failure', async () => { assertEquals(await new ExtendablePromise(Promise.reject(Error())), [{ status: 'rejected', reason: Error() }])})
const timeout = (n: number) => new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, n))
test('extending the promise', async () => { const start = const t1 = timeout(10) const p = new ExtendablePromise(t1) p.waitUntil(timeout(20)) await t1; assertEquals(p.settled, false) await p assert( - start >= 9) assertEquals(p.settled, true)})
test('not extending the promise after settlement', async () => { const p = new ExtendablePromise(timeout(10)) p.waitUntil(timeout(50)) await p assertEquals(p.settled, true) const t1 = timeout(10); assertEquals(p.waitUntil(t1), undefined) await t1 assertEquals(p.settled, true)})
test('multiple with ordering', async () => { const p = new ExtendablePromise(timeout(30).then(() => 1)) p.waitUntil(timeout(40).then(() => 2)) p.waitUntil(timeout(20).then(() => 3)) assertEquals(await p, [{ status: 'fulfilled', value: 1 }, { status: 'fulfilled', value: 2 }, { status: 'fulfilled', value: 3 }])})
test('multiple with rejections', async () => { const p = new ExtendablePromise(timeout(30).then(() => 1)) p.waitUntil(timeout(40).then(() => Promise.reject(2))) p.waitUntil(timeout(20).then(() => 3)) assertEquals(await p, [{ status: 'fulfilled', value: 1 }, { status: 'rejected', reason: 2 }, { status: 'fulfilled', value: 3 }])})
test('total time of extended promise', async () => { const start = const p = new ExtendablePromise(timeout(20).then(() => 1)); await timeout(10) p.waitUntil(timeout(30).then(() => Promise.reject(Error('2')))); assertEquals(await p, [ { status: "fulfilled", value: 1 }, { status: "rejected", reason: Error('2') }, ]); assert( - start >= 40)})