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A functional module for Deno inspired from Ramda.
// Copyright (c) 2020 Jozty. All rights reserved. MIT license.
import curryN from './utils/curry_n.ts';import type { Curry2, Func, FuncArr1 } from './utils/types.ts';import { concat } from './concat.ts';import { reduce } from './reduce.ts';import { map } from './map.ts';import { isFunction } from './utils/is.ts';
type ApplyFAp<T = any, R = any> = { ap: FuncArr1<T[] | Func | T, R>;};
type ApplyF<T = any, R = any> = | FuncArr1<T, R> | FuncArr1<T, R>[] | ApplyFAp<T, R>;
function _checkForCustomAp<T, R>( applyF: ApplyF<T, R>,): applyF is ApplyFAp<T, R> { return isFunction((applyF as ApplyFAp<T, R>).ap);}
function _ap<T, R>(applyF: ApplyF<T, R>, applyX: T[] | Func) { if (_checkForCustomAp(applyF)) { return applyF.ap(applyX); }
if (isFunction(applyF) && isFunction(applyX)) { return (x: T) => applyF(x)(applyX(x)); }
return reduce( // @ts-ignore (acc: T[], f: Func) => concat(acc, map(f, applyX) as T[]), [], applyF as any[], );}
/** * Iit applies a list of functions to a list of values. * Dispatches to the `ap` method of the second argument, if present. Also * treats curried functions as applicatives. * * const mul2 = Fae.multiply(2) * const add3 = Fae.add(3) * Fae.ap([mul2, add3], [1, 2, 3]) // [2, 4, 6, 4, 5, 6]) * const h = Fae.ap(f, mul2) * h(10) // 10 + (10 * 2)) * const obj = {ap: (n: number) => 'called ap with ' + n} * Fae.ap(obj, 10) // 'called ap with 10' */export const ap: Curry2<ApplyF, any, any> = curryN(2, _ap);