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A functional module for Deno inspired from Ramda.
// Copyright (c) 2020 Jozty. All rights reserved. MIT license.
import type { ObjRec, PH } from './utils/types.ts';import curryN from './utils/curry_n.ts';import { defaultTo } from './defaultTo.ts';import { path } from './path.ts';import type { Path } from './paths.ts';
// @typestype PathOr_1 = <D, P>(d: D) => D | P;
type PathOr_2<D> = <P>(p: Path) => D | P;
type PathOr_3<D> = <T, P>(obj: ObjRec<T> | null) => D | P;
type PathOr_2_3<D> = & ((p: Path) => PathOr_3<D>) & (<T>(p: PH, obj: ObjRec<T> | null) => PathOr_2<D>) & (<T, P>(p: Path, obj: ObjRec<T> | null) => D | P);
type PathOr_1_3 = & (<D>(d: D) => PathOr_3<D>) & (<T>(d: PH, obj: ObjRec<T> | null) => PathOr_1) & (<T, D, P>(d: D, obj: ObjRec<T> | null) => D | P);
type PathOr_1_2<T> = & (<D>(d: D) => PathOr_2<D>) & ((d: PH, p: Path) => PathOr_1) & (<D, P>(d: D, p: Path) => D | P);
type PathOr = & (<D>(d: D) => PathOr_2_3<D>) & ((d: PH, p: Path) => PathOr_1_3) & (<T>(d: PH, p: PH, obj: ObjRec<T> | null) => PathOr_1_2<T>) & (<D>(d: D, p: Path) => PathOr_3<D>) & (<T, D>(d: D, p: PH, obj: ObjRec<T> | null) => PathOr_2<D>) & (<T>(d: PH, p: Path, obj: ObjRec<T> | null) => PathOr_1) & (<T, D, P>(d: D, p: Path, obj: ObjRec<T> | null) => D | P);
function _pathOr<T, D, P>(d: D, p: Path, obj: ObjRec<T> | null) { return defaultTo(d, path<T, P>(p, obj));}
/** * If the given, non-null object has a value at the given path, returns the * value at that path. Otherwise returns the provided default value. * * Fae.pathOr('N/A', ['a', 'b'], {a: {b: 2}}); //=> 2 * Fae.pathOr('N/A', ['a', 'b'], {c: {b: 2}}); //=> "N/A" */export const pathOr: PathOr = curryN(3, _pathOr);