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Faktory Deno Library

Faktory job queue library for Deno.

Supported Faktory versions

  • 1.4.0

It could work on earlier versions, but untested.


Pushing jobs

import { FaktoryClient, FaktoryJob } from ''

function randomIntFromInterval(min, max) { // min and max included 
  return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1) + min);

let client = new FaktoryClient('localhost', 7419, 'optionalpassword')
await client.connect()

// Create job
let job = new FaktoryJob('adder', [
  randomIntFromInterval(1, 10),
  randomIntFromInterval(1, 10)
// Push job
await client.push(job)

// Push another job
let job2 = new FaktoryJob('anotherjob', [])
await client.push(job2)


Fetching and executing jobs

import { FaktoryClient, FaktoryWorker } from ''

let client = new FaktoryClient('localhost', 7419, 'optionalpassword')
await client.connect()
let worker = new FaktoryWorker(client)

worker.register('adder', (job) => {
  console.log('args added together: '+ (job[0] + job[1]))

  // Throw an error object to mark the job as failed, putting it in the queue for a retry
  // throw {
  //   type: 'Adder error',
  //   message: 'Something went wrong.'
  // }

// Register multiple jobs with the same worker
worker.register('anotherjob', (job) => {
  console.log('whatever else')
