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Speedy web framework
import { serve, ServeInit } from "";import { Context } from "./context.ts";import decode from "./decode.ts";import { Handler, ServerError } from "./types.ts";
const notFound = { status: 404, message: "The requested resource doesn't exist.",};
interface Match { handler: Handler; params?: Record<string, string>;}
export interface WebApp { get(path: string, handler: Handler): WebApp; post(path: string, handler: Handler): WebApp; put(path: string, handler: Handler): WebApp; patch(path: string, handler: Handler): WebApp; delete(path: string, handler: Handler): WebApp; options(path: string, handler: Handler): WebApp; head(path: string, handler: Handler): WebApp;}
export class WebApp { #routes: Map<string, Handler>; #patterns: URLPattern[]; #cache: Record<string, Match | null>;
constructor() { this.#routes = new Map(); this.#patterns = []; this.#cache = {};
// Define methods // deno-fmt-ignore-line const methods = ['get', 'post', 'put', 'patch', 'delete', 'options', 'head'] as const; for (const method of methods) { this[method] = (path, handler) => this.#add(path, method.toUpperCase(), handler); } }
#add(pathname: string, method: string, handler: Handler) { const id = method + pathname; this.#routes.set(id, handler);
const pattern = new URLPattern({ pathname }); const has = this.#patterns.find((p) => p.pathname === pathname); if (!has) this.#patterns.push(pattern);
return this; }
#match(path: string, method: string) { const cid = method + path; const hit = this.#cache[cid]; if (hit) return hit;
const pattern = this.#patterns.find((p) => p.test(path)); if (!pattern) return this.#cache[cid] = null; const { pathname } = pattern;
const id = method + pathname; const handler = this.#routes.get(id); if (!handler) return this.#cache[cid] = null;
if (pathname.includes(":")) { const exec = pattern.exec(path); const params = exec?.pathname.groups; return this.#cache[cid] = { handler, params }; } else return this.#cache[cid] = { handler }; }
handle = async (request: Request) => { try { const match = this.#match(request.url, request.method); const ctx: Context = new Context({ request }); ctx.assert(match, notFound); ctx.params = match.params ?? {}; const res = await match.handler(ctx); return decode(res, ctx.status); } catch (error) { const err = ServerError.from(error); const res = err.serialize(); return decode(res, err.status); } };
serve = (opts?: ServeInit) => serve(this.handle, opts);}