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Speedy web framework
import { assertEquals } from "";import fast, { Context } from "./mod.ts";
function makeRequest(path: string, init: RequestInit = {}) { path = "" + path; return new Request(path, { ...init });}
const app = fast();
Deno.test("404", async () => { const req = makeRequest("/404"); const res = await app.handle(req); assertEquals(res.status, 404);});
// deno-fmt-ignore-lineconst methods = ['get', 'post', 'put', 'patch', 'delete', 'options', 'head'] as const;for (const method of methods) { const id = crypto.randomUUID(); app[method]("/", () => id); Deno.test(`app.${method}`, async () => { const req = makeRequest("/", { method }); const res = await app.handle(req); const data = await res.text(); assertEquals(res.status, 200); assertEquals(data, id); });}
const err = { status: 400, code: "", message: "",};
app.get("/assert", (ctx: Context) => ctx.assert(false, err));app.get("/assert2", (ctx: Context) => ctx.assert(true, err));app.get("/throw", (ctx: Context) => ctx.throw(err));// deno-fmt-ignoreapp.get("/throw2", () => { throw new Error() });
Deno.test("ctx.assert", async () => { const req = makeRequest("/assert"); const res = await app.handle(req); assertEquals(res.status, 400);
const req2 = makeRequest("/assert2"); const res2 = await app.handle(req2); assertEquals(res2.status, 204);});
Deno.test("ctx.throw", async () => { const req = makeRequest("/throw"); const res = await app.handle(req); assertEquals(res.status, 400);
const req2 = makeRequest("/throw2"); const res2 = await app.handle(req2); const data = await res2.json(); assertEquals(res2.status, 500); assertEquals(data.error.message, "An unknown error occurred.");});
app.get("/pages/:id", (ctx) =>;
Deno.test("ctx.params", async () => { const req = makeRequest("/pages/abc"); const res = await app.handle(req); const data = await res.text(); assertEquals(res.status, 200); assertEquals(data, "abc");});"/body", async (ctx) => { const body = await ctx.body; return body;});
Deno.test("ctx.body", async () => { const body = "abc"; const req = makeRequest("/body", { body, method: "POST" }); const res = await app.handle(req); assertEquals(res.status, 400);});
app.get("/string", () => "abc");app.get("/array", () => [1, 2, 3]);app.get("/json", () => ({ abc: 123 }));app.get("/void", () => {});app.get("/res", () => new Response("Hello", { status: 201 }));
Deno.test("decode", async () => { const req = makeRequest("/string"); const res = await app.handle(req); const data = await res.text(); assertEquals(res.status, 200); assertEquals(data, "abc");
const req2 = makeRequest("/array"); const res2 = await app.handle(req2); const data2 = await res2.json(); assertEquals(res2.status, 200); assertEquals(data2, [1, 2, 3]);
const req3 = makeRequest("/json"); const res3 = await app.handle(req3); const data3 = await res3.json(); assertEquals(res3.status, 200); assertEquals(data3, { abc: 123 });
const req4 = makeRequest("/void"); const res4 = await app.handle(req4); assertEquals(res4.status, 204);
const req5 = makeRequest("/res"); const res5 = await app.handle(req5); assertEquals(res5.status, 201);});