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An easy to use ffmpeg module for Deno. 🦕
class FFmpeg
implements AsyncIterableIterator<EncodingProcess>
import { FFmpeg } from "";


FFmpeg(input?: string, options?: EncodingOptions | string)


encoding: Encoding
encodings: Array<Encoding>


addEventListener(event: "info", listener: EncodingInfoEventListener): this
addEventListener(event: "start", listener: EncodingStartEventListener): this
addEventListener(event: "progress", listener: EncodingProgressEventListener): this
addEventListener(event: "end", listener: EncodingEndEventListener): this
addEventListener(event: "error", listener: EncodingErrorEventListener): this
args(ffmpegArgs: string[]): this
audioBitrate(bitrate: number | string): this
audioChannels(count: number): this
audioCodec(codec: string): this
audioQuality(quality: number): this
binary(ffmpeg: string): this
codec(codec: string): this
cwd(path: string): this
encode(): Promise<void>
format(format: string): this
frameRate(frameRate: number): this
frames(frames: number): this
height(height: number | string): this
input(source: string): this
inputArgs(ffmpegArgs: string[]): this
inputAudioChannels(count: number): this
inputAudioCodec(codec: string): this
inputCodec(codec: string): this
inputDuration(duration: string | number): this
inputFormat(format: string): this
inputFrameRate(frameRate: number): this
inputSampleRate(hz: number): this
inputVideoCodec(codec: string): this
logLevel(logLevel: string): this
loop(loops: string | number): this
maxVideoBitrate(bitrate: number | string): this
minVideoBitrate(bitrate: number | string): this
next(): Promise<IteratorResult<EncodingProcess, null>>
noAudio(disable?): this
noInputAudio(disable?): this
noInputVideo(disable?): this
noVideo(disable?): this
output(target: string): this
override(enable: boolean): this
sampleRate(hz: number): this
threads(count: number): this
videoBitrate(bitrate: number | string): this
videoBufSize(size: number | string): this
videoCodec(codec: string): this
width(width: number | string): this
[Symbol.asyncIterator](): AsyncIterableIterator<EncodingProcess>