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An optimized key-value storage based on sqlite.

How to use

import { LocalStorage, storage } from "";
await storage.set("some_key", { param1: "value1" });
//this is different from (key is not object path!):
await storage.set("some_key.param1", "value1");
const res = await storage.get("some_key");
const res = await storage.delete("some_key2");
//GET LIST (You can define namespaces, for example: "contacts.phone1", "contacts.phone2").
await storage.set("contacts.phone1", "574937586");
await storage.set("contacts.phone2", "214837483");
const user = await storage.getList("contacts."); //return "contacts.phone1" and "contacts.phone2"
await storage.deleteList("shop1.");

The variable storage is an instance of LocalStorage with: path=”./fast_storage.sqlite”, tableName = “LOCAL_STORAGE”.


Author: Henrique Emanoel Viana, a Brazilian computer scientist, enthusiast of web technologies, cel: +55 (41) 99999-4664. URL:

Improvements and suggestions are welcome!