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A fast and optimized middleware server with an absurdly small amount of code (300 lines) built on top of Deno's native HTTP APIs with no dependencies. It also has a collection of useful middlewares: log file, serve static, CORS, session, rate limit, token, body parsers, redirect, proxy and handle upload. In "README" there are examples of all the resources. Faster's ideology is: all you need is an optimized middleware manager, all other functionality is middleware.
/*Created by: Henrique Emanoel VianaGithu: +55 (41) 99999-4664*/
export type Params = { [key: string]: string;};
export type ProcessorFunc = (ctx: Context) => Promise<void> | void;
export type ContextResponse = { body: any; headers: Headers; status: number; statusText: string;};
export class Context { #info: Deno.ServeHandlerInfo; #params: Params; #url: URL; req: Request; body: any = undefined; #extra: { [key: string]: any } = {}; error: Error | undefined = undefined; #postProcessors: Set<ProcessorFunc> = new Set(); constructor( info: Deno.ServeHandlerInfo, params: Params, url: URL, req: Request, hasRoute: boolean, ) { this.#info = info; this.#params = params; this.#url = url; this.req = req; this.res.status = hasRoute ? 200 : 404; } res: ContextResponse = { body: undefined, headers: new Headers(), status: 200, statusText: "", }; get info() { return this.#info; } get params() { return this.#params; } get url() { return this.#url; } get extra() { return this.#extra; } get postProcessors() { return this.#postProcessors; } redirect(url: string) { this.postProcessors.add((ctx: Context) => { ctx.res.headers.set("Location", url); ctx.res.status = 301; }); }}
export type NextFunc = () => Promise<void> | void;
// Adapted from function parse( str: RegExp | string, loose?: boolean,): { keys: string[]; pattern: RegExp } { if (str instanceof RegExp) return { keys: [], pattern: str }; var c: string, o: number, tmp: string | undefined, ext: number, keys = [], pattern: string = "", arr: string[] = str.split("/"); arr[0] || arr.shift();
while (tmp = arr.shift()) { c = tmp[0]; if (c === "*") { //@ts-ignore keys.push("wild"); pattern += "/(.*)"; } else if (c === ":") { o = tmp.indexOf("?", 1); ext = tmp.indexOf(".", 1); //@ts-ignore keys.push(tmp.substring(1, !!~o ? o : !!~ext ? ext : tmp.length)); pattern += !!~o && !~ext ? "(?:/([^/]+?))?" : "/([^/]+?)"; if (!!~ext) pattern += (!!~o ? "?" : "") + "\\" + tmp.substring(ext); } else { pattern += "/" + tmp; } }
return { keys: keys, pattern: new RegExp("^" + pattern + (loose ? "(?=$|\/)" : "\/?$"), "i"), };}
export type RouteFn = ( ctx: Context, next: NextFunc,) => Promise<void> | void;type RoutePattern = RegExp;type Method = | "ALL" | "GET" | "POST" | "HEAD" | "PATCH" | "OPTIONS" | "CONNECT" | "DELETE" | "TRACE" | "POST" | "PUT";
// A Route is a route when it has a routepattern otherwise it is treated as a middleware.export type Route = { pattern?: RoutePattern; method: Method; keys: string[]; handlers: RouteFn[];};export class Server { // NOTE: This is transpiled into the constructor, therefore equivalent to this.routes = []; #routes: Route[] = []; #server: Deno.Server;
// NOTE: Using .bind can significantly increase perf compared to arrow functions. public all = this.#add.bind(this, "ALL"); public get = this.#add.bind(this, "GET"); public head = this.#add.bind(this, "HEAD"); public patch = this.#add.bind(this, "PATCH"); public options = this.#add.bind(this, "OPTIONS"); public connect = this.#add.bind(this, "CONNECT"); public delete = this.#add.bind(this, "DELETE"); public trace = this.#add.bind(this, "TRACE"); public post = this.#add.bind(this, "POST"); public put = this.#add.bind(this, "PUT");
public use(...handlers: RouteFn[]) { this.#routes.push({ keys: [], method: "ALL", handlers, }); return this; }
#add(method: Method, route: string | RegExp, ...handlers: RouteFn[]) { var { keys, pattern, } = parse(route); this.#routes.push({ keys, method, handlers, pattern, }); return this; }
async #middlewareHandler( fns: RouteFn[], fnIndex: number, ctx: Context, ): Promise<void> { if (fns[fnIndex] !== undefined) { try { await fns[fnIndex]( ctx, async () => await this.#middlewareHandler(fns, fnIndex + 1, ctx), ); } catch (e) { ctx.error = e; } } }
async #serverHandler(request: Request, info: Deno.ServeHandlerInfo) { try { const req = request; const url = new URL(request.url); const requestHandlers: RouteFn[] = []; const params: Params = {}; const len = this.#routes.length; var hasRoute = false; for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { const r = this.#routes[i]; const keyLength = r.keys.length; var matches: null | string[] = null; if ( r.pattern === undefined || (req.method === r.method && (matches = r.pattern.exec( url.pathname, ))) ) { if (r.pattern) { hasRoute = true; if (keyLength > 0) { if (matches) { var inc = 0; while (inc < keyLength) { params[r.keys[inc]] = decodeURIComponent(matches[++inc]); } } } } requestHandlers.push(...r.handlers); } } var ctx = new Context( info, params, url, req, hasRoute, ); await this.#middlewareHandler(requestHandlers, 0, ctx); if (!ctx.error) { try { for (const p of ctx.postProcessors) { await p(ctx); } } catch (e) { ctx.error = e; } } if (ctx.error) { ctx.res.status = 500; ctx.res.headers.set( "Content-Type", "application/json", ); ctx.res.body = JSON.stringify({ msg: (ctx.error.message || ctx.error), stack: ctx.error.stack, }); } return new Response(ctx.res.body, { headers: ctx.res.headers, status: ctx.res.status, statusText: ctx.res.statusText, }); } catch (e) { console.log(e); } }
public async listen(options: Deno.ServeOptions | Deno.ServeTlsOptions) { this.#server = Deno.serve( options, (request: Request, info: Deno.ServeHandlerInfo) => this.#serverHandler(request, info), ); }}