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Fast and simple web application framework for deno
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import { serve, Server, ServerRequest, decode } from "../deps.ts";
/** * Fastro class * * * const server = new Fastro() */export class Fastro { /** * Listen * * server.listen({ port: 8000 }) **/ listen = async ( options?: ListenOptions, callback?: (error: Error | undefined, address: string | undefined) => void, ): Promise<void> => { try { let opt = options ? options : { port: 8080 }; this.#server = serve(opt); this.loadPlugin(this); if (!callback); else callback(undefined, opt as any); // creates a loop iterating over async iterable objects // for await (const req of this.#server) { await this.requestHandler(req); } } catch (error) { const errStr = "SERVER_LISTEN_ERROR"; if (callback) callback(FastroError(errStr, error), undefined); else throw FastroError(errStr, error); } };
private loadPlugin(fastro: Fastro) { let afterLoadRouter: Router[]; let afterLoadPlugin: Instance[]; const loop = (plugins: Instance[]) => { plugins.forEach((p) => { afterLoadRouter = [...this.#router]; afterLoadPlugin = [...this.#plugins]; p.plugin(fastro, () => { const list = this.#plugins.filter((plugin) => !afterLoadPlugin.includes(plugin) ); if (list.length > 0) loop(list); if (p.prefix) { this.#router .filter((r) => !afterLoadRouter.includes(r)) .forEach((x) => { const url = x.url === "/" ? "" : x.url; x.url = `/${p.prefix}${url}`; }); } }); }); }; loop(this.#plugins); this.#router = [ Set(this.#router)]; return this; }
/** * Register plugin * * const plugin = function (fastro: Fastro) { * fastro.get("/", (req) => { * req.send("hello"); * }) * }; * * server.register(plugin) * @param plugin */ register(plugin: Plugin): Fastro; register(prefix: string, plugin: Plugin): Fastro; register(prefixOrPlugin: string | Plugin, plugin?: Plugin) { if (typeof prefixOrPlugin !== "string") { this.#plugins.push({ plugin: prefixOrPlugin }); } if (typeof prefixOrPlugin === "string" && plugin) { this.#plugins.push({ prefix: prefixOrPlugin, plugin }); } return this; }
/** * Add route * * server.route({ * url: "/hello", * method: "GET", * handler: (req) => { * req.send("hello"); * }, * }); * * @param router Router * **/ route(router: Router) { this.#router.push(router); return this; }
/** * * @param url * @param handler */ all(url: string, handler: Handler) { this.route({ method: "GET", url, handler }); this.route({ method: "POST", url, handler }); this.route({ method: "HEAD", url, handler }); this.route({ method: "PATCH", url, handler }); this.route({ method: "OPTIONS", url, handler }); this.route({ method: "PUT", url, handler }); this.route({ method: "DELETE", url, handler }); }
/** * GET route shorthand declaration * * server.get('/', (req) => req.send('hello')) * * @param url * @param handler */ get(url: string, handler: Handler) { return this.route({ method: "GET", url, handler }); }
/** * POST route shorthand declaration * *'/', (req) => { * const payload = req.payload; * req.send(payload); * }) * * @param url * @param handler */ post(url: string, handler: Handler) { return this.route({ method: "POST", url, handler }); }
/** * HEAD route shorthand declaration * * server.head('/', (req) => { * req.send('head'); * }) * * @param url * @param handler */ head(url: string, handler: Handler) { return this.route({ method: "HEAD", url, handler }); }
/** * PATCH route shorthand declaration * * server.patch('/', (req) => { * req.send('patch'); * }) * * @param url * @param handler */ patch(url: string, handler: Handler) { return this.route({ method: "PATCH", url, handler }); }
/** * PUT route shorthand declaration * * server.put('/', (req) => { * req.send('put'); * }) * * @param url * @param handler */ put(url: string, handler: Handler) { return this.route({ method: "PUT", url, handler }); }
/** * OPTIONS route shorthand declaration * * server.options('/', (req) => { * req.send('options'); * }) * * @param url * @param handler */ options(url: string, handler: Handler) { return this.route({ method: "OPTIONS", url, handler }); }
/** * DELETE shorthand declaration * * server.delete('/', (req) => { * req.send('delete'); * }) * * @param url * @param handler */ delete(url: string, handler: Handler) { return this.route({ method: "DELETE", url, handler }); }
/** Close server */ async close(): Promise<void> { if (this.#server) { this.#server.close(); } }
/** * Add new property or function to Fastro instance * * const middleware = function (instance: Fastro) { * instance.hello = function () { * console.log("hello"); * }; * }; * * server.decorate(middleware); * server.hello(); * * @param instance */ decorate(instance: { (instance: Fastro): void }) { instance(this); return this; }
decorateRequest(request: { (req: Request): void }) { request(this.#request); return this; }
/** * Add plugin * * server.use((req) => { * console.log(req.headers.get("token")); * }); * @param plugin */ use(handler: Handler): Fastro; use(url: string, handler: Handler): Fastro; use(handlerOrUrl: string | Handler, handler?: Handler) { if (typeof handlerOrUrl !== "string") { this.#middlewares.push({ url: "/", handler: handlerOrUrl }); } if (handler && (typeof handlerOrUrl === "string")) { this.#middlewares.push({ url: handlerOrUrl, handler }); } return this; }
private getFunctionParameter(incoming: string, registered: string) { let incomingSplit = incoming.substr(1, incoming.length).split("/"); const params: string[] = []; incomingSplit.splice(0, 2); incomingSplit .map((path, idx) => { return { path, idx }; }) .forEach((value) => { params.push(incomingSplit[value.idx]); });
return params; }
function(url: string, handler: Handler) { this.#functions = { url, handler }; return this; }
functionHandler(req: Request) { this.routeHandler(req, true); if (this.#functions.url) { req.parameter = this.getParameter(req.url, this.#functions.url); req.functionParameter = this.getFunctionParameter( req.url, this.#functions.url, ); }
return this.#functions.handler(req, () => { this.routeHandler(req, true); }); }
forward(req: Request) { if (this.#middlewares.length > 0) return this.middlewareHandler(req); this.routeHandler(req); }
private middlewareHandler(req: Request) { try { const [middleware] = this.#middlewares.filter((mid) => { return (mid.url && this.checkUrl(req.url, mid.url)); }); if (!middleware) return this.routeHandler(req); if (middleware.url) { req.parameter = this.getParameter(req.url, middleware.url); } middleware.handler(req, () => this.routeHandler(req, true)); } catch (error) { throw FastroError("SERVER_MIDDLEWARE_HANDLER_ERROR", error); } }
private requestHandler = async (req: ServerRequest) => { try { const request = req as Request; request.payload = req.body ? decode(await Deno.readAll(req.body)) : undefined; request.send = (payload, status, headers): boolean => { return this.send(payload, status, headers, req); }; const mutatedRequest = Object.assign(this.#request, request); if (this.#functions) return this.functionHandler(mutatedRequest); this.forward(mutatedRequest); } catch (error) { throw FastroError("SERVER_REQUEST_HANDLER_ERROR", error); } };
private routeHandler = async ( req: Request, mutate?: boolean, ) => { try { if (mutate) return; const [route] = this.#router.filter((value) => { return this.checkUrl(req.url, value.url) && (req.method == value.method); }); if (!route) { return req.respond({ body: `${req.url} not found`, status: 404 }); } req.parameter = this.getParameter(req.url, route.url); return route.handler(req, () => {}); } catch (error) { throw FastroError("SERVER_ROUTE_HANDLER_ERROR", error); } };
private send<T>( payload: string | T, status: number | undefined = 200, headers: Headers | undefined = new Headers(), req: ServerRequest, ) { try { let body: any; headers.set("X-Powered-By", "fastro"); if (typeof payload === "string") body = payload; else body = JSON.stringify(payload); req.respond({ status, headers, body }); return true; // this is used for request mutation flag } catch (error) { throw FastroError("SERVER_SEND_ERROR", error); } }
private checkUrl(incoming: string, registered: string): boolean { try { if (registered.includes(":")) { const incomingSplit = incoming.substr(1, incoming.length).split("/"); const regsSplit = registered.substr(1, registered.length).split("/"); return incomingSplit.length === regsSplit.length; } return incoming === registered; } catch (error) { throw FastroError("CHECK_URL_ERROR", error); } }
private getParameter(incoming: string, registered: string) { try { const incomingSplit = incoming.substr(1, incoming.length).split("/"); const registeredSplit = registered.substr(1, registered.length).split( "/", ); const param: Parameter = {}; registeredSplit .map((path, idx) => { return { path, idx }; }) .filter((value) => value.path.startsWith(":")) .map((value) => { const name = value.path.substr(1, value.path.length); param[name] = incomingSplit[value.idx]; }); return param; } catch (error) { throw FastroError("GET_URL_PARAMETER_ERROR", error); } }
[key: string]: any // definite assignment assertion // #server!: Server; #router: Router[] = []; #middlewares: Middleware[] = []; #functions!: Middleware; #plugins: Instance[] = []; #request = new Request();}
export class Request extends ServerRequest { /** URL parameter */ parameter!: Parameter;
/** Function parameter */ functionParameter!: string[];
/** Payload */ payload!: string | undefined; /** * Send payload * * // send basic message, default http status 200 * send('ok') * * // send json object * send({ message: 'Hello' }) * * // send message with custom http status * send('not found', 404) * * // send message with custom status & headers * const headers = new Headers() * headers.set('Authorization', `Bearer ${your_token}`) * send({ login: true }, 200, headers) * * @param payload * @param status * @param headers * */ send!: { <T>(payload: string | T, status?: number, headers?: Headers): boolean; }; [key: string]: any}interface Router { method: string; url: string; handler(req: Request, callback: Function): any; [key: string]: any;}interface ListenOptions { port: number; hostname?: string;}interface Middleware { url?: string; handler(req: Request, callback: Function): any;}interface Plugin { (fastro: Fastro, callback: Function): any;}interface Instance { plugin: Plugin; prefix?: string;}interface Handler { (req: Request, callback: Function): any;}interface Parameter { [key: string]: string;}function FastroError(title: string, error: Error) { = title; return error;}