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Fast and simple web application framework for deno
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import { version } from "../mod.ts";
export const default_msg = `fastro: try 'fastro --help' for more information`;export const help_msg = `Usage: fastro [command] [options]
Commands: init [options] create fastro.json & default handler serve [options] run server with default port (3000) register [options] create user & get uuid deploy deploy app to server
Reset Token Commands: otp send one time password (OTP) to your email token [options] reset user token
Options: --help show manual --version show version
try 'fastro [command] --help' for detail information about specific command`;
export const serve_msg = `Usage: fastro serve [options]
Options: --port : custom port
Example: fastro serve --port 5000`;
export const register_msg = `Usage: fastro register [options]
Options: --email : your email
Example: fastro register --email`;
export const email_msg = `Error: email empty!
export const deploy_msg = `Usage: fastro deploy`;
export const init_msg = `Usage: fastro init [option]
Options: --app : your app name
Example: fastro init --app myapp`;
export const otp_msg = `Usage: fastro otp`;
export const token_msg = `Usage: fastro token [option]
Options: --otp : your otp. get from 'fastro otp' command.
Example: fastro token --otp 1234567`;
export const harmful_msg = `Deployment failed. For security reasons, you are not allowed to run Deno runtime API.`;
export const handler_content = `import { Request } from "${version.fastro}/mod.ts";
export function handler(req: Request) { req.send("hello world");}`;