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Fast and simple web application framework for deno
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import { Fastro, FastroError } from "./server.ts";
const server = new Fastro();server // handling simple message .route({ method: "GET", url: "/", handler: (req) => { req.send("hello"); }, }) // handling json object .route({ method: "GET", url: "/json", handler: (req) => { req.send({ message: "hello" }); }, }) // handling basic url parameter & respon with custom status & header .route({ method: "GET", url: "/:hello", handler: (req) => { const header = new Headers(); header.set("Content-Type", "application/json"); req.respond({ status: 200, headers: header, body: JSON.stringify(req.parameter), }); }, }) // handling multiple parameter .route({ method: "GET", url: "/hello/:user/:id", handler: (req) => { const data = { user: req.parameter.user, id:, }; req.send(data); }, }) // handling post & get the payload .route({ method: "POST", url: "/hello", handler: (req) => { const payload = req.payload; req.send(payload); }, }) // optional callback .callback = (err, addr) => { if (err) throw FastroError("SERVER_ERROR", err); console.log("Listening on:", addr); };
await server.listen({ port: 8000 });