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Fast and simple web application framework for deno
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import { validateJwt } from "";import { makeJwt, setExpiration, Jose, Payload,} from "";import { Fastro, FastroRequest } from "../mod.ts";
const key = "secret";
function createJwt() { const payload: Payload = { iss: "joe", exp: setExpiration(new Date().getTime() + 60000 * 100), }; const header: Jose = { alg: "HS256", typ: "JWT", }; return makeJwt({ header, payload, key });}
const plugin = function validateToken(req: FastroRequest) { const token = req.headers.get("token"); if (token) { const valid = validateJwt(token, key, { isThrowing: false }); req.valid = valid; }};
const server = new Fastro();
server .use(plugin) .post("/", (req) => { const jwt = createJwt(); req.send({ token: jwt }); }) .get("/", async (req) => { const valid = await req.valid; if (!valid) return req.send("invalid", 401); return req.send(valid); });
await server.listen({ port: 8000 });