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Fast and simple web application framework for deno
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// Copyright 2020 the Fastro author. All rights reserved. MIT license.// deno-lint-ignore-file no-explicit-any
import { createError, getErrorTime, replaceAll, validateObject,} from "./utils.ts";import type { Request } from "./request.ts";import type { Cookie } from "./cookie.ts";import { Data, HandlerOptions, HttpMethod } from "./types.ts";import { FASTRO_VERSION, HOSTNAME, MAX_MEMORY, MIDDLEWARE_DIR, NO_CONFIG, PORT, RUNNING_TEXT, SERVICE_DIR, SERVICE_FILE, STATIC_DIR, TEMPLATE_DIR, TEMPLATE_FILE, TIMEOUT,} from "./constant.ts";import type { DynamicService, MultiPartData, Query, Schema, ServerOptions,} from "./types.ts";import { decode, decodeBase64, green, isFormFile, MultipartReader, parseYml, red, serve, Server, ServerRequest, yellow,} from "../deps.ts";
/** * You have to create a `Fastro` class instance. * This will load all of your controller file automatically. * * const server = new Fastro(); * * With server options, you can change default service folder, add prefix, or enable cors. * * const serverOptions = { * cors: true, * prefix: "api", * serviceDir: "api", * staticFile: true, * }; * const server = new Fastro(serverOptions); */export class Fastro { private appStatus!: string; private cookieList = new Map<string, Cookie>(); private corsEnabled!: boolean; private cwd = Deno.cwd(); private dynamicService: DynamicService[] = []; private hostname = HOSTNAME; private middlewares = new Map<string, any>(); private port = PORT; private prefix!: string; private server!: Server; private serviceDir = SERVICE_DIR; private staticDir = STATIC_DIR; private services = new Map<string, any>(); private staticFiles = new Map<string, any>(); private templateFiles = new Map<string, any>();
constructor(options?: ServerOptions) { if (options && options.cors) this.corsEnabled = options.cors; if (options && options.hostname) this.hostname = options.hostname; if (options && options.prefix) this.prefix = options.prefix; if (options && options.port) this.port = options.port; if (options && options.serviceDir) this.serviceDir = options.serviceDir; if (options && options.staticDir) this.staticDir = options.staticDir; this.initApp(); }
private handleRoot(request: Request) { const index = this.staticFiles.get("/index.html"); if (!index) return request.send(`Fastro v${FASTRO_VERSION}`); request.send(index); }
private send<T>( payload: string | T, status: number | undefined = 200, headers: Headers | undefined = new Headers(), req: ServerRequest, ) { try { let body: string | Uint8Array | Deno.Reader | undefined; if ( typeof payload === "string" || payload instanceof Uint8Array ) { body = payload; } else if (typeof payload === "undefined") body = "undefined"; else if (Array.isArray(payload)) body = JSON.stringify(payload); else if ( typeof payload === "number" || typeof payload === "boolean" || typeof payload === "bigint" || typeof payload === "function" || typeof payload === "symbol" ) { body = payload.toString(); } else body = JSON.stringify(payload); const date = new Date().toUTCString(); headers.set("Connection", "keep-alive"); headers.set("Date", date); headers.set("x-powered-by", this.appStatus); if (this.corsEnabled) { headers.set("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*"); headers.set("Access-Control-Allow-Headers", "*"); headers.set("Access-Control-Allow-Methods", "*"); } if (this.cookieList.size > 0) { this.cookieList.forEach((c) => { let str = `${}=${c.value}`; const expire = c.expires ? `;expires=${c.expires}` : undefined; const domain = c.domain ? `;domain=${c.domain}` : undefined; const path = c.path ? `;path=${c.path}` : undefined; const secure = ? `;secure` : undefined; const httpOnly = c.HttpOnly ? `;HttpOnly=${c.HttpOnly}` : undefined; const sameSite = c.SameSite ? `;SameSite=${c.SameSite}` : undefined;
if (expire) str = str.concat(expire); if (domain) str = str.concat(domain); if (path) str = str.concat(path); if (secure) str = str.concat(secure); if (httpOnly) str = str.concat(httpOnly); if (sameSite) str = str.concat(sameSite);
str = str.concat(";"); headers.set("Set-Cookie", str); }); } req.respond({ body, status, headers }); } catch (error) { error.message = "SEND_ERROR: " + error.message; console.error(error); } }
private getCookies(request: ServerRequest) { const cookies = request.headers.get("cookie")?.split(";"); const results = cookies?.map((v) => { const [n, value] = v.split("="); const name = n.trim(); return `${name}=${value}`; }); return results; }
private getCookiesByName(name: string, request: ServerRequest) { const cookies = request.headers.get("cookie")?.split(";"); const results = cookies?.map((v) => { const [n, value] = v.split("="); const name = n.trim(); return { name, value }; }) .filter((c) => === name); if (!results || results.length < 1) return ""; const [c] = results; return c.value; }
private clearCookie(name: string) { const cookie = this.cookieList.get(name); if (cookie) { cookie.expires = new Date("1970-01-01").toUTCString(); cookie.value = ""; this.cookieList.set(name, cookie); } }
private handleRedirect(url: string, status: number, request: ServerRequest) { const headers = new Headers(); headers.set("Location", url); request.respond({ status, headers }); }
private async handleFormUrlEncoded(req: ServerRequest, contentType: string) { try { const bodyString = decode(await Deno.readAll(req.body)); const body = bodyString .replace(contentType, "") .split("&");
const data: Data[] = []; body.forEach((i: string) => { if (i.includes("=")) { const [key, value] = i.split("="); const decodedV = decodeURIComponent(value); const decodedK = decodeURIComponent(key); const obj: Data = {}; obj[decodedK] = decodedV; data.push(obj); } else { const obj = JSON.parse(i); data.push(obj); } }); if (data.length > 1) return data; if (data.length === 1) { const [d] = data; return d; } } catch (error) { error.message = "HANDLE_FORM_URL_ENCODED_ERROR: " + error.message; throw error; } }
private async handleMultipart(req: ServerRequest, contentType: string) { try { const boundaries = contentType?.match(/boundary=([^\s]+)/); let boundary; const multiPartArray: MultiPartData[] = []; if (boundaries && boundaries?.length > 0) [, boundary] = boundaries; if (boundary) { const reader = new MultipartReader(req.body, boundary); const form = await reader.readForm(MAX_MEMORY); const map = new Map(form.entries()); map.forEach((v, key) => { const content = form.file(key); if (isFormFile(content)) { const v = decode(content.content); multiPartArray.push({ key, value: v, filename: content.filename }); } else { multiPartArray.push({ key, value: v }); } }); await form.removeAll(); }
return multiPartArray; } catch (error) { error.message = "HANDLE_MULTIPART_ERROR: " + error.message; throw error; } }
private validateJsonPayload(payload: Data, url: string) { try { const service =; if ( service && service.validationSchema && service.validationSchema.body ) { const schema = service.validationSchema.body as Schema; validateObject(payload, schema); } } catch (error) { error.message = "VALIDATE_JSON_PAYLOAD_ERROR: " + error.message; throw error; } }
private async getPayload(requestServer: ServerRequest) { try { const contentType = requestServer.headers.get("content-type"); if (contentType?.includes("multipart/form-data")) { return this.handleMultipart(requestServer, contentType); } else if ( contentType?.includes("application/x-www-form-urlencoded") ) { return this.handleFormUrlEncoded(requestServer, contentType); } else if ( contentType?.includes("application/json") ) { const payloadString = decode(await Deno.readAll(requestServer.body)); const payload = JSON.parse(payloadString); this.validateJsonPayload(payload, requestServer.url); return payload; } else { const payload = decode(await Deno.readAll(requestServer.body)); return payload; } } catch (error) { error.message = "GET_PAYLOAD_ERROR: " + error.message; throw error; } }
private validateParams(params: Data, url: string) { try { const [handler] = this.dynamicService.filter((val) => val.url === url); if ( handler && handler.service.options.validationSchema && handler.service.options.validationSchema.params ) { const schema = handler.service.options.validationSchema .params as Schema; validateObject(params, schema); } } catch (error) { error.message = "VALIDATE_PARAMS_ERROR: " + error.message; throw error; } }
private getParams(incoming: string) { try { const incomingSplit = incoming.substr(1, incoming.length).split("/"); const params: string[] = []; incomingSplit .map((path, idx) => { return { path, idx }; }) .forEach((value) => params.push(incomingSplit[value.idx])); this.validateParams(params, incoming); return params; } catch (error) { error.message = "GET_PARAMS_ERROR: " + error.message; throw error; } }
private validateQuery(query: Data, url: string) { try { const [handler] = this.dynamicService.filter((val) => url.includes(val.url) ); if ( handler && handler.service.options.validationSchema && handler.service.options.validationSchema.params ) { const schema = handler.service.options.validationSchema .querystring as Schema; validateObject(query, schema); } } catch (error) { error.message = "VALIDATE_QUERY_ERROR: " + error.message; throw error; } }
private getQuery(key?: string, url?: string) { try { if (!url) throw new Error("Url empty"); const [, query] = url.split("?"); if (!query) throw new Error("Query not found"); const queryPair = query.split("&"); const obj: Query = {}; queryPair.forEach((q) => { const [key, value] = q.split("="); obj[key] = value; }); this.validateQuery(obj, url); if (key) { const singleQuery: Query = {}; singleQuery[key] = obj[key]; return singleQuery; } return obj; } catch (error) { error.message = "GET_QUERY_ERROR: " + error.message; throw error; } }
private async proxy(url: string, request: Request) { try { const resp = await fetch(url, { method: request.method, }); request.send(new Uint8Array(await resp.arrayBuffer())); } catch (error) { error.message = "PROXY_ERROR: " + error.message; throw error; } }
private view(template: string, options?: Data, request?: Request) { try { let html = this.templateFiles.get(template); if (html) { for (const key in options) { const value = options[key]; html = replaceAll(html, `\${${key}}`, value); } } if (request) request.send(html); } catch (error) { error.message = "VIEW_ERROR" + error.message; throw error; } }
private transformRequest(serverRequest: ServerRequest) { try { const request = serverRequest as Request; request.proxy = (url) => this.proxy(url, request); request.view = (template, options) => this.view(template, options, request); request.redirect = (url, status = 302) => this.handleRedirect(url, status, serverRequest); request.getQuery = (key) => this.getQuery(key, serverRequest.url); request.getParams = () => this.getParams(serverRequest.url); request.getPayload = () => this.getPayload(serverRequest); request.getCookies = () => this.getCookies(serverRequest); request.getCookie = (name) => this.getCookiesByName(name, serverRequest); request.clearCookie = (name) => this.clearCookie(name); request.setCookie = (cookie) => { this.cookieList.set(, cookie); return request; }; request.type = (contentType: string) => { request.contentType = contentType; return request; }; request.status = (status: number) => { request.httpStatus = status; return request; }; request.send = (payload, status, headers) => { status = request.httpStatus ? request.httpStatus : 200; if (request.contentType) { headers = new Headers(); headers.set("content-type", request.contentType); } this.send(payload, status, headers, serverRequest); }; return request; } catch (error) { error.message = "TRANSFORM_REQUEST_ERROR: " + error.message; console.error( `ERROR: ${getErrorTime()}, url: ${serverRequest.url},`, error, ); } }
private handleStaticFile(request: Request) { try { const url = request.url; const staticFile = this.staticFiles.get(url); if (!staticFile) throw new Error("not found"); const header = new Headers(); if (url.includes(".svg")) header.set("content-type", "image/svg+xml"); else if (url.includes(".png")) header.set("content-type", "image/png"); else if (url.includes(".jpeg")) header.set("content-type", "image/jpeg"); else if (url.includes(".css")) header.set("content-type", "text/css"); else if (url.includes(".html")) header.set("content-type", "text/html"); else if (url.includes(".json")) { header.set("content-type", "application/json"); } else if (url.includes("favicon.ico")) { header.set("content-type", "image/ico"); } request.send(staticFile, 200, header); } catch (error) { throw createError("HANDLE_STATIC_FILE_ERROR", error); } }
private handleDynamicParams(request: Request) { try { const [handlerFile] = this.dynamicService.filter((service) => { return request.url.includes(service.url); }); if (!handlerFile) return this.handleStaticFile(request); const options: HandlerOptions = handlerFile.service.options ? handlerFile.service.options : undefined; if ( options && options.methods && !options.methods.includes(request.method as HttpMethod) ) { throw new Error("not found"); } if ( options && options.validationSchema && options.validationSchema.headers ) { const schema = options.validationSchema.headers as Schema; this.validateHeaders(request.headers, schema); } handlerFile.service.handler(request); } catch (error) { throw createError("HANDLE_DYNAMIC_PARAMS_ERROR", error); } }
private handleMiddleware(request: Request) { try { this.middlewares.forEach((middleware, key) => { if ( middleware.options && middleware.options.methods && !middleware.options.methods.includes(request.method) ) { throw new Error("Middleware HTTP method not found"); }
if ( middleware.options && middleware.options.validationSchema ) { const schema = middleware.options.validationSchema.headers as Schema; this.validateHeaders(request.headers, schema); }
middleware.handler(request, (err: Error) => { if (err) { if (!err.message) err.message = `Middleware error: ${key}`; throw err; } this.handleRoute(request); }); }); } catch (error) { throw createError("HANDLE_MIDDLEWARE_ERROR", error); } }
private validateHeaders(headers: Headers, schema: Schema) { try { const target: Data = {}; const { properties } = schema; for (const key in properties) target[key] = headers.get(key); validateObject(target, schema); } catch (error) { error.message = "VALIDATE_HEADERS_ERROR: " + error.message; throw error; } }
private handleRoute(request: Request) { try { const service =; const options = service && service.options ? service.options : undefined; if (!service) return this.handleDynamicParams(request); if ( options && options.methods && !options.methods.includes(request.method as HttpMethod) ) { throw new Error("not found"); } if ( options && options.validationSchema && options.validationSchema.headers ) { const schema = options.validationSchema.headers as Schema; this.validateHeaders(request.headers, schema); } service.handler(request); } catch (error) { throw createError("HANDLE_ROUTE_ERROR", error); } }
private handleRequestError(error: Error, serverRequest: ServerRequest) { const err = createError("HANDLE_REQUEST_ERROR", error); let status = 500; if (error.message.includes("not found")) status = 404; if (error.message.includes("VALIDATE")) status = 400; const message = JSON.stringify({ error: true, message: error.message }); const headers = new Headers(); headers.set("content-type", "application/json"); serverRequest.respond({ status, body: message, headers }); console.error( `ERROR: ${getErrorTime()}, url: ${serverRequest.url},`, err, ); }
private handleRequest(serverRequest: ServerRequest) { try { const request = this.transformRequest(serverRequest); if (!request) throw new Error("request rrror"); if (serverRequest.url === "/") return this.handleRoot(request); if (this.middlewares.size > 0) return this.handleMiddleware(request); this.handleRoute(request); } catch (error) { this.handleRequestError(error, serverRequest); } }
private async readHtmlTemplate(target: string) { try { const templateFolder = `${this.cwd}/${target}`; const decoder = new TextDecoder("utf-8"); for await (const dirEntry of Deno.readDir(templateFolder)) { if (dirEntry.isFile && { const filePath = templateFolder + "/" +; const file = await Deno.readFile(filePath); this.templateFiles.set(, decoder.decode(file)); } else if (dirEntry.isDirectory) { this.readHtmlTemplate(target + "/" +; } } } catch (error) {"Start with no html template"); } }
private isTxtFile(file: string) { const extension = [ ".html", ".json", ".css", ".xml", ".txt", ".ts", ".js", ".md", ]; const result = extension.filter((ext) => file.includes(ext)); return result.length > 0; }
private async readStaticFiles(target: string) { try { const staticFolder = `${this.cwd}/${target}`; const decoder = new TextDecoder("utf-8"); for await (const dirEntry of Deno.readDir(staticFolder)) { if (dirEntry.isFile) { const filePath = staticFolder + "/" +; const [, fileKey] = filePath.split(staticFolder); const file = await Deno.readFile(filePath); if (this.isTxtFile( { this.staticFiles.set(fileKey, decoder.decode(file)); } else this.staticFiles.set(fileKey, file); } else if (dirEntry.isDirectory) { this.readStaticFiles(target + "/" +; } } } catch (error) {"Start with no static file"); } }
private async importMiddleware(target: string) { try { const middlewareFolder = `${this.cwd}/${target}`; for await (const dirEntry of Deno.readDir(middlewareFolder)) { if (dirEntry.isFile) { const filePath = middlewareFolder + "/" +; const fileImport = Deno.env.get("DENO_ENV") === "development" ? `file:${filePath}#${new Date().getTime()}` : `file:${filePath}`; import(fileImport).then((middleware) => { this.middlewares.set(, middleware); }); } else if (dirEntry.isDirectory) { this.importMiddleware(target + "/" +; } } } catch (error) {"Start with no middleware"); } }
private async importServices(target: string) { try { const servicesFolder = `${this.cwd}/${target}`; for await (const dirEntry of Deno.readDir(servicesFolder)) { if (dirEntry.isFile && { const filePath = servicesFolder + "/" +; const [, splittedFilePath] = filePath.split(this.serviceDir); const [splittedWithDot] = splittedFilePath.split(".");
const fileImport = Deno.env.get("DENO_ENV") === "development" ? `file:${filePath}#${new Date().getTime()}` : `file:${filePath}`;
let fileKey = this.prefix ? `/${this.prefix}${splittedWithDot}` : `${splittedWithDot}`;
import(fileImport) .then((service) => { const options = service.options as HandlerOptions;
fileKey = options && options.prefix ? `/${options.prefix}${fileKey}` : fileKey;
if (options && options.params) { this.dynamicService.push({ url: fileKey, service }); } else, service); }); } else if (dirEntry.isDirectory) { this.importServices(target + "/" +; } } } catch (error) {"Start with no service"); } }
private getAppStatus() { const decoded = this.regid ? decodeBase64("cmVnaXN0ZXJlZA==") : decodeBase64("VU5SRUdJU1RFUkVE"); const text = new TextDecoder().decode(decoded); const version = `Fastro/${FASTRO_VERSION} (${text})`; return version; }
private async readConfig() { try { const configFile = await Deno.readTextFile("config.yml"); const parsedConfig = parseYml(configFile); if (configFile && parsedConfig) { const { email, regid } = <{ email: string; regid: string; }> parsedConfig; this.regid = regid; = email; } } catch (error) {; } }
private regid!: string; private email!: string; private initApp() { this.server = serve({ hostname: this.hostname, port: this.port }); this.readConfig() .then(() => this.importMiddleware(MIDDLEWARE_DIR)) .then(() => this.importServices(this.serviceDir)) .then(() => this.readStaticFiles(this.staticDir)) .then(() => this.readHtmlTemplate(TEMPLATE_DIR)) .then(() => { this.appStatus = this.getAppStatus(); setTimeout(() => this.listen(), TIMEOUT); }); }
/** * Close server * * server.close() */ public close() { this.server.close(); }
private async listen() { try { if (Deno.env.get("DENO_ENV") !== "test") { const addr = `http://${this.hostname}:${this.port}`; const runningText = `${RUNNING_TEXT}: ${addr}`; if (!this.regid) {;; } else {;; } } for await (const request of this.server) { await this.handleRequest(request); } } catch (error) { error.message = "LISTEN_ERROR: " + error.message; console.error(`ERROR: ${getErrorTime()}`, error); } }}