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Fast and simple web application framework for deno
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// Copyright 2020 - 2021 the Fastro author. All rights reserved. MIT license.// deno-lint-ignore-file no-explicit-any
import { APPS, MIDDLEWARE_DIR, MODULE_DIR, STATIC_DIR, VSCODE_DIR,} from "../core/constant.ts";import { App } from "../core/types.ts";import { parseYml } from "../deps.ts";import { controller } from "../templates/controller.ts";import { docker } from "../templates/docker.ts";import { favicon } from "../templates/favicon.ts";import { gae } from "../templates/gae.ts";import { gitignore } from "../templates/gitignore.ts";import { html } from "../templates/html.ts";import { main } from "../templates/main.ts";import { middleware } from "../templates/middleware.ts";import { depsTemplate } from "../templates/deps.ts";import { container } from "../templates/container.ts";import { readme } from "../templates/readme.ts";import { component as comp, react as reactTemplate,} from "../templates/react.ts";import { render } from "../templates/render.ts";import { setting } from "../templates/settings.ts";
function initHelp() { const message = `USAGE fastro init [OPTIONS]
OPTIONS: --app Application repository
EXAMPLE: fastro init --app fastrojs/admin`; console.log(message);}
async function cloneRepo(app: string) { const p ={ cmd: [ "git", "clone", `${app}.git`, ".", ], });
const { code } = await p.status(); if (code !== 0) throw new Error("Clone app error");}
async function removeGit() { const p ={ cmd: [ "rm", "-rf", ".git", ], });
const { code } = await p.status(); if (code !== 0) throw new Error("Init app error");}
function filterAppList(appList: App[], app: string) { const exist = appList.filter((val) => val.repository === app); if (exist.length < 1) throw new Error("App not found");}
async function getApp() { const result = await fetch(APPS); const apps = await result.text(); const appList = parseYml(apps) as App[]; return appList;}
function initApp(app: string) { getApp() .then((appList) => filterAppList(appList, app)) .then(() => cloneRepo(app)) .then(() => removeGit()) .then(() => console.log("Init app done")) .catch((error) => console.error(error.message));}
export async function init(args?: any) { if ( return initHelp(); if ( return initApp(;
const encoder = new TextEncoder();
const mainFile = encoder.encode(main); await Deno.writeFile("main.ts", mainFile);
const depsFile = encoder.encode(depsTemplate); await Deno.writeFile("deps.ts", depsFile);
const containerFile = encoder.encode(container); await Deno.writeFile("container.ts", containerFile);
const readmeFile = encoder.encode(readme); await Deno.writeFile("", readmeFile);
const gitFile = encoder.encode(gitignore); await Deno.writeFile(".gitignore", gitFile);
const dockerFile = encoder.encode(docker); await Deno.writeFile("Dockerfile", dockerFile);
const appyaml = encoder.encode(gae); await Deno.writeFile("app.yaml", appyaml);
await Deno.mkdir(MIDDLEWARE_DIR, { recursive: true }); const mid = encoder.encode(middleware); const midPath = `${MIDDLEWARE_DIR}/support.ts`; await Deno.writeFile(midPath, mid);
await Deno.mkdir(MODULE_DIR, { recursive: true }); const ctrl = encoder.encode(controller); const ctrlPath = `${MODULE_DIR}/hello.controller.ts`; await Deno.writeFile(ctrlPath, ctrl);
const htmlTemplate = encoder.encode(render); const templatePath = `${MODULE_DIR}/hello.template.html`; await Deno.writeFile(templatePath, htmlTemplate);
const component = encoder.encode(comp); const componentPath = `${MODULE_DIR}/`; await Deno.writeFile(componentPath, component);
const react = encoder.encode(reactTemplate); const reactPath = `${MODULE_DIR}/react.template.html`; await Deno.writeFile(reactPath, react);
await Deno.mkdir(STATIC_DIR, { recursive: true }); const icon = new Uint8Array(favicon); const iconPath = `${STATIC_DIR}/favicon.ico`; await Deno.writeFile(iconPath, icon);
const idx = encoder.encode(html); const idxPath = `${STATIC_DIR}/index.html`; await Deno.writeFile(idxPath, idx);
await Deno.mkdir(`${VSCODE_DIR}`, { recursive: true }); const settingJson = encoder.encode(setting); const settingPath = `${VSCODE_DIR}/settings.json`; await Deno.writeFile(settingPath, settingJson);}