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Fast and simple web application framework for deno
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import { ConnInfo, Handler, ServeInit } from "./deps.ts"
export interface Next { (error?: unknown): void}
export type Middleware = (request: Request, connInfo: ConnInfo, next: Next) => void
export interface Fastro { serve(options?: ServeInit): Promise<void> get(path: string | RegExp, opts: Handler | Middleware, handler?: Handler): Fastro post(path: string | RegExp, opts: Handler | Middleware, handler?: Handler): Fastro put(path: string | RegExp, opts: Handler | Middleware, handler?: Handler): Fastro patch(path: string | RegExp, opts: Handler | Middleware, handler?: Handler): Fastro delete(path: string | RegExp, opts: Handler | Middleware, handler?: Handler): Fastro head(path: string | RegExp, opts: Handler | Middleware, handler?: Handler): Fastro options(path: string | RegExp, opts: Handler | Middleware, handler?: Handler): Fastro}
export interface Route { method: string path: string | RegExp middleware: Handler | Middleware handler: Handler}
export interface Router { get(path: string | RegExp, opts: Handler | Middleware, handler?: Handler): Router post(path: string | RegExp, opts: Handler | Middleware, handler?: Handler): Router put(path: string | RegExp, opts: Handler | Middleware, handler?: Handler): Router patch(path: string | RegExp, opts: Handler | Middleware, handler?: Handler): Router delete(path: string | RegExp, opts: Handler | Middleware, handler?: Handler): Router head(path: string | RegExp, opts: Handler | Middleware, handler?: Handler): Router options(path: string | RegExp, opts: Handler | Middleware, handler?: Handler): Router router: Map<string, Route>}