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Fast and simple web application framework for deno
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import { RequestResponse } from "./types.ts"import { ssr } from "./render.ts"import { Cookie, deleteCookie, setCookie,} from "./deps.ts"
export function response(): RequestResponse { let headers = new Headers() let responseAuthorization: string let responseStatus = 200 let contentType = "text/plain;charset=UTF-8" let cookie: Cookie
function createResponse(str: BodyInit | null | undefined) { if (responseAuthorization) headers.set("Authorization", responseAuthorization) if (cookie) setCookie(headers, cookie) headers.set("Content-Type", contentType) return new Response(str, { status: responseStatus, headers, }) }
const instance = { send: (object: unknown) => { const str = <string>object return createResponse(str) }, json: (object: unknown) => { try { const str = JSON.stringify(object) contentType = "application/json; charset=UTF-8" return createResponse(str) } catch (error) { throw new Error(`jsonError: ${error.toString()}`) } }, ssr: (el: JSX.Element, client?: string) => { return ssr(el, client) }, html: (html: string) => { contentType = "text/html; charset=UTF-8" return createResponse(html) }, status: (status: number) => { responseStatus = status return instance }, contentType: (type: string) => { contentType = type return instance }, authorization: (authorization: string) => { responseAuthorization = authorization return instance }, headers: (customHeaders: Headers) => { headers = customHeaders return instance }, setCookie: (appCookie: Cookie) => { cookie = appCookie return instance }, deleteCookie: (name: string, attributes?: { path?: string | undefined domain?: string | undefined } | undefined) => { deleteCookie(headers, name, attributes) return instance } }
return instance}