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Fast and simple web application framework for deno
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import * as ReactDOMServer from "";import { RenderOptions, SSR } from "../server/types.ts";
function createHydrate(appPath: string) { return `import React from "";import { hydrateRoot } from "";import App from "${appPath}";const container = document.getElementById("root");const root = hydrateRoot(container, <App/>);`;}
export default function rendering(): SSR { let element: JSX.Element; let status: 200; let html: string; let dir = "./components";
async function createBundle() { const hydrateTarget = `${dir}/.hydrate.tsx`; const bundle = "module"; const bundlePath = "./static/bundle.js"; const denoBundle = "deno:///bundle.js"; const appPath = `./app.tsx`; const lib = ["dom", "dom.iterable", "esnext"];
try { Deno.writeTextFile( hydrateTarget, createHydrate(appPath), ); } catch (err) { throw err; }
const { files } = await Deno.emit(hydrateTarget, { bundle, compilerOptions: { lib }, });
const js = files[denoBundle]; await Deno.writeTextFile(bundlePath, js); await Deno.remove(hydrateTarget); }
function createHTML( element: JSX.Element, options: RenderOptions, ) { const component = ReactDOMServer.renderToReadableStream(element); const link = ? : ""; const meta = options.meta ? options.meta : ""; const script = options.script ? options.script : ""; const style = ? : ""; return `<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><title>${options.title}</title>${link} ${meta} ${script} ${style}</head><body><div id="root">${component}</div><script type="module" src="/static/bundle.js"></script><body></html>`; }
const instance = { dir: (d: string) => { dir = d; return instance; }, component: (el: JSX.Element) => { element = el; return instance; }, render: (options: RenderOptions) => { if (!html) { html = createHTML(element, options); } return new Response(html, { status, headers: { "content-type": "text/html", }, }); }, createBundle, createHydrate, };
return instance;}