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Fast and simple web application framework for deno
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import { assertEquals } from "./deps.ts";import application, { ConnInfo, getParam, getParams, Next, router,} from "./mod.ts";
Deno.test("app", async (t) => { const host = "http://localhost:8000"; const app = application();
// routing app.get("/", () => new Response("GET"));"/", () => new Response("POST")); app.put("/", () => new Response("PUT")); app.delete("/", () => new Response("DELETE")); app.patch("/", () => new Response("PATCH")); app.options("/", () => new Response("OPTIONS")); app.head("/", () => new Response("HEAD")); app.get(/v/, () => new Response("regex")); app.get("/user/:id", (req: Request) => { const id = getParam("id", req); return new Response(id); }); app.get("/account/:name", (req: Request) => { const params = getParams(req); return new Response(JSON.stringify(params)); });
// app middleware app.use("/m1", (_req: Request, _conn: ConnInfo, next: Next) => next()); app.get("/m1", () => new Response("m1")); app.use("/m11", [(_req: Request, _conn: ConnInfo, next: Next) => next()]); app.get("/m11", () => new Response("m11")); // app middleware not working app.use("/m2", (_req: Request, _conn: ConnInfo, _next: Next) => {});
// router middleware const r = router(); r.get("/", () => new Response("r1")); app.use("/r1", r); app.use("/r2", [(_req: Request, _conn: ConnInfo, next: Next) => next()], r); app.get( "/level", (_req: Request, _conn: ConnInfo, next: Next) => next(), () => new Response("route level1"), ); app.get( "/level2", [(_req: Request, _conn: ConnInfo, next: Next) => next()], () => new Response("route level2"), );
const promise = app.serve();
await t.step({ name: "GET", fn: async () => { const response = await fetch(host, { method: "GET" }); assertEquals(await response.text(), "GET"); }, sanitizeResources: false, sanitizeOps: false, });
await t.step({ name: "PUT", fn: async () => { const response = await fetch(host, { method: "PUT" }); assertEquals(await response.text(), "PUT"); }, });
await t.step({ name: "DELETE", fn: async () => { const response = await fetch(host, { method: "DELETE" }); assertEquals(await response.text(), "DELETE"); }, });
await t.step({ name: "PATCH", fn: async () => { const response = await fetch(host, { method: "PATCH" }); assertEquals(await response.text(), "PATCH"); }, });
await t.step({ name: "OPTIONS", fn: async () => { const response = await fetch(host, { method: "OPTIONS" }); assertEquals(await response.text(), "OPTIONS"); }, });
await t.step({ name: "POST", fn: async () => { const response = await fetch(host, { method: "POST" }); assertEquals(await response.text(), "POST"); }, });
await t.step({ name: "HEAD", fn: async () => { const response = await fetch(host, { method: "HEAD" }); // QUESTION: WHY EMPTY? assertEquals(await response.text(), ""); }, });
await t.step({ name: "Route with regex path", fn: async () => { const response = await fetch(`${host}/v`, { method: "GET" }); assertEquals(await response.text(), "regex"); }, });
await t.step({ name: "app level middleware", fn: async () => { const response = await fetch(`${host}/m1`, { method: "GET" }); assertEquals(await response.text(), "m1"); }, });
await t.step({ name: "app level middleware with array", fn: async () => { const response = await fetch(`${host}/m11`, { method: "GET" }); assertEquals(await response.text(), "m11"); }, });
await t.step({ name: "app level middleware not finished", fn: async () => { const response = await fetch(`${host}/m2`, { method: "GET" }); assertEquals(await response.text(), "Internal Server Error"); }, });
await t.step({ name: "router middleware", fn: async () => { const response = await fetch(`${host}/r1`, { method: "GET" }); assertEquals(await response.text(), "r1"); }, });
await t.step({ name: "router middleware with array", fn: async () => { const response = await fetch(`${host}/r2`, { method: "GET" }); assertEquals(await response.text(), "r1"); }, });
await t.step({ name: "route level middleware", fn: async () => { const response = await fetch(`${host}/level`, { method: "GET" }); assertEquals(await response.text(), "route level1"); }, });
await t.step({ name: "route level middleware with array", fn: async () => { const response = await fetch(`${host}/level2`, { method: "GET" }); assertEquals(await response.text(), "route level2"); }, });
await t.step({ name: "Route get param", fn: async () => { const response = await fetch(`${host}/user/5`, { method: "GET" }); assertEquals(await response.text(), "5"); }, });
await t.step({ name: "Route get params", fn: async () => { const response = await fetch(`${host}/account/agus`, { method: "GET" }); assertEquals(await response.text(), JSON.stringify({ name: "agus" })); }, });
await t.step({ name: "Server Close", fn: async () => { app.close(); await promise; }, sanitizeResources: false, sanitizeOps: false, });});