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Fast and simple web application framework for deno
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import { ConnInfo, Handler, ReactDOMServer, Status, STATUS_TEXT,} from "./deps.ts";import { AppMiddleware, HandlerArgument, MiddlewareArgument, PathArgument, RequestHandler, Route, Router, SSR, SSRHandler, StringHandler,} from "./types.ts";import { router as appRouter } from "./router.ts";import { handleStaticFile } from "./static.ts";import { handleJSXPage } from "./page.ts";
interface HandlerRoute { method: string; path: PathArgument; url: string; host: string; handlers: HandlerArgument[];}
interface HandlerMiddleware { type: string; path: PathArgument; url: string; host: string; middlewares: MiddlewareArgument[];}
export function render(element: JSX.Element) { const component = ReactDOMServer.renderToString(element); return new Response(component, { headers: { "content-type": "text/html", }, });}
export function handler() { const EMPTY = ""; const SLASH = "/"; const DOUBLE_SLASH = "//"; const HASHTAG = "#"; const COLON = ":"; const handlerRoutes: Map<string, HandlerRoute> = new Map(); const handlerMiddlewares: HandlerMiddleware[] = []; const handlerPages: Map<string, { url: string; host: string; path: PathArgument; ssr: SSR; handler: Handler; }> = new Map();
let routerList: AppMiddleware[] = []; let hostname = EMPTY; let staticURL: string; let isInit = false;
function buildMiddleware( element: MiddlewareArgument, prefix: PathArgument, url: string, ) { const middlewares: AppMiddleware[] = []; let args: MiddlewareArgument[] = [];
if (Array.isArray(element)) { args = <RequestHandler[]> element; } else { args.push(<RequestHandler> element); }
middlewares.push({ path: `${prefix}/.*`, middlewares: args, type: "" }); initHandlerMiddlewares(middlewares, url); }
function buildRoutes(router: Router, prefix: PathArgument, url: string) { const r = appRouter(); router.routes.forEach((element) => { const path = element.path !== "/" ? element.path : ""; const newPath = `${prefix}${path}`; if (element.method === "GET") r.get(newPath, ...element.handlers); if (element.method === "POST"), ...element.handlers); if (element.method === "PUT") r.put(newPath, ...element.handlers); if (element.method === "DELETE") r.delete(newPath, ...element.handlers); if (element.method === "OPTIONS") r.options(newPath, ...element.handlers); if (element.method === "HEAD") r.head(newPath, ...element.handlers); if (element.method === "PATCH") r.patch(newPath, ...element.handlers); }); initHandlerRoutes(r.routes, url); }
function isRouter(element: Router) { return element.routes !== undefined; }
function loopRouterMiddleware( object: MiddlewareArgument[], prefix: PathArgument, url: string, ) { object.forEach((element) => { if (isRouter(<Router> element)) { buildRoutes(<Router> element, prefix, url); } else { buildMiddleware(element, prefix, url); } }); }
function handleRouterMiddleware(array: AppMiddleware[], url: string) { for (let index = 0; index < array.length; index++) { const element = array[index]; loopRouterMiddleware(element.middlewares, element.path, url); } }
function initStaticPath(sttcPath: string, url: string) { const [http, path] = url.split(DOUBLE_SLASH); const [host] = path.split(SLASH); hostname = `${http}${DOUBLE_SLASH}${host}`; staticURL = `${hostname}${sttcPath}`; }
function initHandler( path: string, middlewares: AppMiddleware[], routes: Map<string, Route>, pages: Map<string, SSRHandler>, req: Request, ) { routerList = initHandlerMiddlewares(middlewares, req.url); if (routerList.length > 0) { handleRouterMiddleware(routerList, req.url); } initHandlerRoutes(routes, req.url); initStaticPath(path, req.url); initPages(pages, req.url); isInit = true; }
function isString(stringResult: unknown) { const str = <string> stringResult; try { return (str.includes != undefined && str.replaceAll != undefined); } catch (_error) { throw new Error(`Handler return void`); } }
function isJSX(element: unknown) { const el = <JSX.Element> element; return el.props != undefined && el.type != undefined; }
function isHTML(element: unknown) { return element instanceof Response; }
function isJSON(element: unknown) { // potensial ada bug if (element instanceof Promise) return [false, ""]; let stringify; let str = ""; try { str = <string> element; stringify = JSON.stringify(str); JSON.parse(stringify); } catch (_err) { return [false, ""]; } return [true, stringify]; }
function handleRequest( req: Request, connInfo: ConnInfo, routes: Map<string, Route>, middlewares: AppMiddleware[], path: string, pages: Map<string, SSRHandler>, ): Response | Promise<Response> { if (!isInit) { initHandler( path, middlewares, routes, pages, req, ); }
if (handlerMiddlewares.length > 0) { const done = processHandlerMiddleware(handlerMiddlewares, req, connInfo); if (!done) throw Error("Middleware execution not finished"); }
const ssr = handlerPages.get(createPageKey(req)); if (ssr) return handleJSXPage(ssr, req, connInfo);
const res = handlerRoutes.get(createMapKey(req)); if (!res) { return handleStaticFile(staticURL, req.url); }
const { length, [length - 1]: handler } = res.handlers; if (length > 1) return loopHandlers(res, req, connInfo); if (!isHandler(handler)) throw new Error("The argument must be a handler"); const stringHandler = <StringHandler> <unknown> handler; const stringResult = stringHandler(req, connInfo);
if (isString(stringResult)) { return new Response(stringResult); } if (isHTML(stringResult)) { return <Response> <unknown> stringResult; } if (isJSX(stringResult)) { return render(<JSX.Element> <unknown> stringResult); }
const [json, jsonObject] = isJSON(stringResult); if (json) { const headers = new Headers(); headers.set("content-type", "application/json"); return new Response(<string> jsonObject, { headers }); }
const appHandler = <Handler> handler; return appHandler(req, connInfo); }
function processHandlerMiddleware( handlerMiddlewares: HandlerMiddleware[], req: Request, connInfo: ConnInfo, ) { const m = handlerMiddlewares.filter((v) => { return (v.url === createArrayKey(req)); });
for (let index = 0; index < m.length; index++) { const done = loopHandlerMiddleware(m[index].middlewares, req, connInfo); if (!done) return false; } return true; }
function loopHandlerMiddleware( m: MiddlewareArgument[], req: Request, connInfo: ConnInfo, ) { for (let index = 0; index < m.length; index++) { const handler = m[index]; let done = false;
if (Array.isArray(handler)) { done = loopExecute(handler, req, connInfo); } else done = execute(<RequestHandler> handler, req, connInfo);
if (!done) return false; } return true; }
function loopHandlers(res: HandlerRoute, req: Request, connInfo: ConnInfo) { for (let index = 0; index < res.handlers.length; index++) { const handler = res.handlers[index]; let done = false; if (index === res.handlers.length - 1) { if (!isHandler(handler)) { throw new Error("The last argument must be a handler"); } const appHandler = <Handler> handler; return appHandler(req, connInfo); }
if (Array.isArray(handler)) done = loopExecute(handler, req, connInfo); else done = execute(handler, req, connInfo);
if (!done) throw new Error("Middleware execution not finished"); }
return new Response(STATUS_TEXT.get(Status.InternalServerError), { status: Status.InternalServerError, }); }
function loopExecute( handlers: RequestHandler[], req: Request, connInfo: ConnInfo, ) { for (let index = 0; index < handlers.length; index++) { const handler = handlers[index]; const done = execute(handler, req, connInfo); if (!done) return false; }
return true; }
function execute(handler: RequestHandler, req: Request, connInfo: ConnInfo) { if (!isRequestHandler(handler)) throw new Error("Invalid middleware"); return handleMiddleware(req, connInfo, <RequestHandler> handler); }
function handleMiddleware( req: Request, connInfo: ConnInfo, middleware: RequestHandler, ) { let done = false; middleware(req, connInfo, (err) => { if (err) throw err; done = true; }); return done; }
function createPageKey(req: Request) { let result = EMPTY; handlerPages.forEach((v) => { if ( req.method && validateURL(v.url, req.url,, v.path) ) { result = `${req.method}${COLON}${v.url}`; } }); return result; }
function createMapKey(req: Request): string { let result = EMPTY; handlerRoutes.forEach((v) => { if ( v.method === req.method && validateURL(v.url, req.url,, v.path) ) { result = `${req.method}${COLON}${v.url}`; } }); return result; }
function createArrayKey(req: Request): string { let result = EMPTY; handlerMiddlewares.forEach((v) => { if ( validateURL(v.url, req.url,, v.path) ) { result = `${v.url}`; } }); return result; }
function isRegex(regexPath: PathArgument) { return regexPath instanceof RegExp; }
function validateURL( routeURL: string, incomingURL: string, host: string, regexPath: PathArgument, ) { const incomingPath = incomingURL.replace(host, EMPTY).split(SLASH); if (isRegex(regexPath)) { const regex = new RegExp(regexPath); return regex.test(incomingPath[1]); } const routePath = routeURL.replace(host, EMPTY).split(SLASH); if (routePath.length != incomingPath.length) return false; return parsePath(routePath, incomingPath); }
function parsePath(route: string[], incoming: string[]) { route.shift(); incoming.shift(); for (let idx = 0; idx < route.length; idx++) { if (!isValidPath(route[idx], incoming, idx)) return false; } return true; }
function isQuery(path: string, incoming: string) { const str = `${path}${incoming}`; return str.charAt(str.length) === "?"; }
function isValidPath(path: string, incoming: string[], idx: number) { return (path === incoming[idx] || regex(incoming[idx], path)) || isQuery(path, incoming[idx]); }
function regex(incoming: string, path: string) { if (path) { if (path.charAt(0) === COLON) return true; const regex = new RegExp("\\b" + path + "\\b", "g"); return regex.test(incoming); } return false; }
function getRoute(req: Request): string { let result = EMPTY; handlerRoutes.forEach((v) => { if ( v.method === req.method && validateURL(v.url, req.url,, v.path) ) { result = v.url; } }); return result; }
function extractParams(req: Request) { const routeParams = getRoute(req).replace(hostname, EMPTY).split(SLASH); const params = req.url.replace(hostname, EMPTY).split(SLASH); routeParams.shift(); params.shift(); return routeParams .map((val, idx) => { return { val, idx }; }) .filter((v) => v.val.charAt(0) === COLON) .map((v) => { return { name: v.val.replace(COLON, EMPTY), value: params[v.idx], }; }); }
function getParams(req: Request) { if (!req) return {}; const obj: Record<string, string> = {}; extractParams(req).forEach((val) => obj[] = val.value); return obj; }
function getParam(name: string, req: Request) { if (!req) return ""; const [res] = extractParams(req).filter((val) => === name); return res.value; }
function isRequestHandler( handler: HandlerArgument, ): handler is RequestHandler { const req = <RequestHandler> handler; return req.length === 3; }
function isHandler( handler: HandlerArgument, ): handler is Handler { const req = <Handler> handler; return req.length <= 2; }
function initHandlerMiddlewares(middlewares: AppMiddleware[], url: string) { const [http, path] = url.split(DOUBLE_SLASH); const [host] = path.split(SLASH); hostname = `${http}${DOUBLE_SLASH}${host}`;
const middlewareList = middlewares.filter((v) => { return v.type !== "router"; });
const routerList = middlewares.filter((v) => { return v.type === "router"; });
middlewareList.forEach((m) => { const mdl: HandlerMiddleware = { type: m.type, path: m.path, middlewares: m.middlewares, url: `${hostname}${m.path}`, host: hostname, }; handlerMiddlewares.push(mdl); });
middlewares = []; return routerList; }
function initPages(pages: Map<string, SSRHandler>, url: string) { const [http, path] = url.split(DOUBLE_SLASH); const [host] = path.split(SLASH); hostname = `${http}${DOUBLE_SLASH}${host}`;
if (pages.size > 0) { pages.forEach((v, k) => { const [method, , kpath] = k.split(HASHTAG); const key = `${method}:${hostname}${kpath}`; handlerPages.set(key, { host: hostname, url: `${hostname}${kpath}`, path: v.path, ssr: v.ssr, handler: v.handler, }); }); pages.clear(); } }
function initHandlerRoutes( map: Map<string, Route>, url: string, ) { const [http, path] = url.split(DOUBLE_SLASH); const [host] = path.split(SLASH); hostname = `${http}${DOUBLE_SLASH}${host}`; map.forEach((v, k) => { const [method, , kpath] = k.split(HASHTAG); const key = `${method}:${hostname}${kpath}`; handlerRoutes.set(key, { method: v.method, path: v.path, url: `${hostname}${kpath}`, host: hostname, handlers: v.handlers, }); }); map.clear(); }
function createHandler( staticPath: string, routes: Map<string, Route>, middlewares: AppMiddleware[], pages: Map<string, SSRHandler>, ) { return function ( req: Request, connInfo: ConnInfo, ): Response | Promise<Response> { return handleRequest( req, connInfo, routes, middlewares, staticPath, pages, ); }; }
return { createHandler, getParams, getParam, };}